How to Make an Adult Batman Mask
- 1). If you don't have the artistic skills to draw a mask yourself, find a template to follow (see Resources). Print out the pattern on a piece of card stock.
- 2). Cut the mask out from the card stock with a pair of scissors. Cut out the eye holes. Using an X-Acto knife, carefully score the dotted lines. This means only cut the dotted lines where the actual dashes are. Leave the blank spaces between dashes uncut.
- 3). Shape the mask with your hand. Squeeze either side of the nose together to get it to stick out. Push in the area underneath the eyebrows. Push the area above the forehead down and slightly back.
- 4). Squeeze each side of the triangles that make up the ears together slightly so that they have dimension. Cut a small piece of tape and tape the back of each ear so that they keep that formation.
- 5). Pierce either side of the mask by the eyes, 1/4 inch away from the edge. Cut two pieces of black string at least 10 inches long and thread it through the holes, knotting it in place. Color in the blue pieces of the mask black with a black magic marker.