How to Crack the Code of the Male Mind
Do you feel like the male mind is a lock with no key? Does maintaining a relationship feel like a chore? Have you heard men say one thing, but their actions say something else? Many women today often find themselves asking these very questions on a daily basis.
For answers, keep reading.
Women and men are actually much more similar than you might think.
Lots of women think playing hard to get will cause a man to look elsewhere, but this is just a myth.
Similarly, answering all his calls and showing up early for dates can make you look desperate for his attention, and he'll be turned off.
A little mystery is what makes a relationship so much fun at the beginning.
If he feels like there's more of you to get to know, he'll keep coming back.
The best way to maintain that mystery is to not let him know what you're doing every waking moment.
The chase is what keeps a man excited early on, so when you say that you're busy, but don't say doing what, he'll work even harder at making sure he can get to a point where he knows.
When the compatibility and trust are present, the relationship will flourish.
Finding the middle ground in the way you approach relationships with men is important.
Looking too trashy will only attract losers, while looking too business like will scare good guys off.
Looking and classy as well as feminine will surely catch his eye.
Make him work to know that he's your top priority.
If you miss a few of his calls and don't give all the details of a girls' night out, he'll want even more to do whatever it takes to be your only man.
At the same time, don't dominate the relationship with your actions.
Men have a desire to lead women in relationships, so let him prove his worth sometimes.
Letting him know how much you appreciate his ideas is the best way to make sure he's comfortable.
Emotional availability is the most important thing.
This is true for both men and women, If things haven't been working out in relationships for you, maybe it's time to adjust some of these things.
Soon enough, you'll be able to read a man like a book.
For answers, keep reading.
Women and men are actually much more similar than you might think.
Lots of women think playing hard to get will cause a man to look elsewhere, but this is just a myth.
Similarly, answering all his calls and showing up early for dates can make you look desperate for his attention, and he'll be turned off.
A little mystery is what makes a relationship so much fun at the beginning.
If he feels like there's more of you to get to know, he'll keep coming back.
The best way to maintain that mystery is to not let him know what you're doing every waking moment.
The chase is what keeps a man excited early on, so when you say that you're busy, but don't say doing what, he'll work even harder at making sure he can get to a point where he knows.
When the compatibility and trust are present, the relationship will flourish.
Finding the middle ground in the way you approach relationships with men is important.
Looking too trashy will only attract losers, while looking too business like will scare good guys off.
Looking and classy as well as feminine will surely catch his eye.
Make him work to know that he's your top priority.
If you miss a few of his calls and don't give all the details of a girls' night out, he'll want even more to do whatever it takes to be your only man.
At the same time, don't dominate the relationship with your actions.
Men have a desire to lead women in relationships, so let him prove his worth sometimes.
Letting him know how much you appreciate his ideas is the best way to make sure he's comfortable.
Emotional availability is the most important thing.
This is true for both men and women, If things haven't been working out in relationships for you, maybe it's time to adjust some of these things.
Soon enough, you'll be able to read a man like a book.