True Christians Are Naked Christians, As Wearing Clothes is Devil Worship
If you really believe in God why shouldn't you be walking around naked? God created man and woman and that they were completely naked and content with being naked.
MOF God must sit around naked too, because the human race was created in his image.
It's very obvious, in the Bible, that God has no problem at all with complete nudity.
If God was a prude, like most of the people are, he might have made a man and woman who weren't naked but had fur or clothes or some type of covering.
He didn't, he created them in his image, naked.
That kinda makes the question, "If God is comfortable with nudity and nakedness why are so many supposedly religious people horrified by nudity?" Not surprisingly, Gods cool with it, why aren't they? Perhaps they aren't as religious as they claim to be, or like most people they pick and choose what part of the Bible they want to believe and throw the rest out.
That isn't truly religious.
Matter of fact wearing clothes is sacrilegious and is actually a way of showing that you worship the Devil.
The more expensive the clothes the more involved in Devil worship you are.
Fashion models are pawns belonging to the devil and the clothes they induce you to buy makes the Devil stronger.
Say what? Clothes are the devils creation.
Yep, for sure.
Obviously they weren't Gods creation as he created naked people.
So how did the devil get us to wear clothes? Well, you have to go back to the Garden of Eden and the tree of life.
Adam and Eve wandered happily through the Garden of Eden for quite some time, totally naked and happy with it.
When Eve, that evil woman, lead the good man Adam astray.
Women have been leading men astray since Eve first did it to Adam, even to this day.
However that's a subject for another day.
Anyway, Eve and the serpent talked Adam into eating the fruit from the tree of life.
The absolutely forbidden fruit.
Now before Eve and the serpent could convince Adam the serpent first had to convince Eve.
Evidently it was pretty easy to do and it's still easy for women to be lead astray to this day.
Oops, digression, again.
My bad.
Anyway, after Eve and the serpent convinced Adam to eat from the tree of life, see there, a woman leading man astray, as usual, they both saw that they were naked, and covered themselves.
So you see, actually wearing clothes pays tribute to the Devil and makes him stronger as he has so warped our minds that we think nakedness is bad even though God created us naked.
So all you religious people stop paying tribute to the Devil and start paying tribute to God by living as he created man and woman.
If you aren't naked you will be labeled a Devil worshiper or worse, a heretic.
Stop paying tribute the fashion designers by not buying the Devils goods they are selling.
In Truth, the only true Christian is a Naked Christian.
MOF God must sit around naked too, because the human race was created in his image.
It's very obvious, in the Bible, that God has no problem at all with complete nudity.
If God was a prude, like most of the people are, he might have made a man and woman who weren't naked but had fur or clothes or some type of covering.
He didn't, he created them in his image, naked.
That kinda makes the question, "If God is comfortable with nudity and nakedness why are so many supposedly religious people horrified by nudity?" Not surprisingly, Gods cool with it, why aren't they? Perhaps they aren't as religious as they claim to be, or like most people they pick and choose what part of the Bible they want to believe and throw the rest out.
That isn't truly religious.
Matter of fact wearing clothes is sacrilegious and is actually a way of showing that you worship the Devil.
The more expensive the clothes the more involved in Devil worship you are.
Fashion models are pawns belonging to the devil and the clothes they induce you to buy makes the Devil stronger.
Say what? Clothes are the devils creation.
Yep, for sure.
Obviously they weren't Gods creation as he created naked people.
So how did the devil get us to wear clothes? Well, you have to go back to the Garden of Eden and the tree of life.
Adam and Eve wandered happily through the Garden of Eden for quite some time, totally naked and happy with it.
When Eve, that evil woman, lead the good man Adam astray.
Women have been leading men astray since Eve first did it to Adam, even to this day.
However that's a subject for another day.
Anyway, Eve and the serpent talked Adam into eating the fruit from the tree of life.
The absolutely forbidden fruit.
Now before Eve and the serpent could convince Adam the serpent first had to convince Eve.
Evidently it was pretty easy to do and it's still easy for women to be lead astray to this day.
Oops, digression, again.
My bad.
Anyway, after Eve and the serpent convinced Adam to eat from the tree of life, see there, a woman leading man astray, as usual, they both saw that they were naked, and covered themselves.
So you see, actually wearing clothes pays tribute to the Devil and makes him stronger as he has so warped our minds that we think nakedness is bad even though God created us naked.
So all you religious people stop paying tribute to the Devil and start paying tribute to God by living as he created man and woman.
If you aren't naked you will be labeled a Devil worshiper or worse, a heretic.
Stop paying tribute the fashion designers by not buying the Devils goods they are selling.
In Truth, the only true Christian is a Naked Christian.