Tactics For Maximum Concentration And Thinking
The physical environment certainly affects our concentration.
This in turn will affecthow your brain works and your memory.
The modern, open-plan office can have it's fair share of distraction in terms of noise or movement of people to and fro.
There are very few offices that are perfect for work.
Even the best designed work environment, there are bound to be sources that will immediately distract us and take our attention away from our work.
This isoften beyond our control.
For instance, you can hear some of your colleagues talking in the background.
Often even if the tone of the voices are hushed, it is human nature to try to listen in, braking our concentration for the work that we need to do.
Even if the language spoken is not something we understand, it is interesting to note that the source of the sound is distracting.
Certain music can also easily distract us, by touching our emotional responses and triggering memories and any associations we might have with the music, regardless of whether the memories or associations are pleasurable or painful.
However most people will only find certain sounds annoyingand not all sounds are distracting.
If you feel a particular sound is hindering your performance at work, you should try to identify the cause of the annoying sound.
For example, if a colleague's music source is distractingyou, you can ask that person to turn down the volume.
You might consider using earplugs to cut out the noise if it cannot be eliminated.
That way, you will have a quiet mind in which to work with and remember things a lot better.
Getting rid of distractions may not always be as simple as buying a pair of earplugs.
Have you ever noticed that you feel irritated by the slightest form of annoyance and at other times, you wouldn't even bat an eyelid, likewhen a child screams nearby?The physical environment affects your focus, but it is just as important to pay attention to your personal biorhythm.
Also known as circadian rhythm, biorhythm simply means the body's natural cycle of activity and rest.
Many people believe that your biorhythm affects physical and mental states, and even behavior.
For instance, some people are able to concentrate better in the mornings, some in the evenings.
This is why everyone should organize their work and other important tasks according to their individual needs and the times they feel at their best.
If you need to do a lot of mental work like working out the household budget or studying for a tests, you need to know what is a good time to do it.
At your peak mental state, you find that you make less mistakes and remember things more.
Your memory and concentration are also better.
If you feel tired and your brain feels sluggish.
Get some rest and some relief like either a hot or cold drink to refresh yourself.
You'll find that you're more mentally alert and more productive this way.
This in turn will affecthow your brain works and your memory.
The modern, open-plan office can have it's fair share of distraction in terms of noise or movement of people to and fro.
There are very few offices that are perfect for work.
Even the best designed work environment, there are bound to be sources that will immediately distract us and take our attention away from our work.
This isoften beyond our control.
For instance, you can hear some of your colleagues talking in the background.
Often even if the tone of the voices are hushed, it is human nature to try to listen in, braking our concentration for the work that we need to do.
Even if the language spoken is not something we understand, it is interesting to note that the source of the sound is distracting.
Certain music can also easily distract us, by touching our emotional responses and triggering memories and any associations we might have with the music, regardless of whether the memories or associations are pleasurable or painful.
However most people will only find certain sounds annoyingand not all sounds are distracting.
If you feel a particular sound is hindering your performance at work, you should try to identify the cause of the annoying sound.
For example, if a colleague's music source is distractingyou, you can ask that person to turn down the volume.
You might consider using earplugs to cut out the noise if it cannot be eliminated.
That way, you will have a quiet mind in which to work with and remember things a lot better.
Getting rid of distractions may not always be as simple as buying a pair of earplugs.
Have you ever noticed that you feel irritated by the slightest form of annoyance and at other times, you wouldn't even bat an eyelid, likewhen a child screams nearby?The physical environment affects your focus, but it is just as important to pay attention to your personal biorhythm.
Also known as circadian rhythm, biorhythm simply means the body's natural cycle of activity and rest.
Many people believe that your biorhythm affects physical and mental states, and even behavior.
For instance, some people are able to concentrate better in the mornings, some in the evenings.
This is why everyone should organize their work and other important tasks according to their individual needs and the times they feel at their best.
If you need to do a lot of mental work like working out the household budget or studying for a tests, you need to know what is a good time to do it.
At your peak mental state, you find that you make less mistakes and remember things more.
Your memory and concentration are also better.
If you feel tired and your brain feels sluggish.
Get some rest and some relief like either a hot or cold drink to refresh yourself.
You'll find that you're more mentally alert and more productive this way.