November 20
Updated February 12, 2014.
Today's Thought:
Then I went to a meeting and someone shared about a guy who committed suicide -- a guy who once had 17 years and went out. He had all of the material blessings, lost his sobriety and everything else and then committed suicide. That was really important for me to hear.
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November Thoughts of the Day
Thoughts of the Day Monthly Index
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs.
Some are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!
Today's Thought:
Then I went to a meeting and someone shared about a guy who committed suicide -- a guy who once had 17 years and went out. He had all of the material blessings, lost his sobriety and everything else and then committed suicide. That was really important for me to hear.
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November Thoughts of the Day
Thoughts of the Day Monthly Index
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs.
Some are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!