4 Crucial Elements of Toilet Training Dogs - Stop Your Pet From Messing Carpets Once and For All!
Toilet training dogs comes down to 4 essential elements: consistency, preparing a 'den', sorting out the toilet area for your pet and scheduling the meals regularly.
Majority of people implement only one or two of these things and end up frustrated and confused because the potty training method they used didn't work.
In this short article I am going to show you how to carry out dogs house training properly and what mistakes you need to avoid in order to succeed.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 1 - Consistency And Patience These two things play major role while toilet training dogs.
Without them all the training methods out there are doomed because the only way a dog can learn something is by constant repetition.
That is why you will have to take your dog to the same toilet area every time he feels the call of nature and use only one command to trigger the elimination process.
Always reward your pet if he relieved himself outdoors as this will further reinforce the good habit.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 2 - Create A Den For Your New Dog Your pet will instinctively look for a place that could play the role of a den.
This is because he needs his own shelter where he can hide from all the fuss around and relax for a bit.
Because dogs are naturally clean animals your pet will not soil his leaving area and will have to learn how to control both bladder and colon.
This will significantly speed up toilet training dogs and reduce the amount of unexpected stinky spots spread all over the house.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 3 - Feed Him Regularly Not many people know this simple fact - dogs need to eliminate within the first 20 minutes from the last meal.
This knowledge can be used to your advantage.
All you have to do is to schedule the meals regularly and monitor your pets behavior for the following 20 minutes.
You can play with him or take him on a walk as both of these things will stimulate intestines and cause your pet to urinate or defecate faster.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 4 - What To Do If I Catch Him Red Handed First of all, do not hit or scream at your pet! Say firmly 'no' to stop him from eliminating on your favorite carpet and command him to go 'outside' by showing him the door and following him to the yard.
As soon as he finishes shower him with praise so that he knows that he has done well.
Because dogs will do everything to please their owners your pet will remember to avoid eliminating indoors and finish his business outside.
Majority of people implement only one or two of these things and end up frustrated and confused because the potty training method they used didn't work.
In this short article I am going to show you how to carry out dogs house training properly and what mistakes you need to avoid in order to succeed.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 1 - Consistency And Patience These two things play major role while toilet training dogs.
Without them all the training methods out there are doomed because the only way a dog can learn something is by constant repetition.
That is why you will have to take your dog to the same toilet area every time he feels the call of nature and use only one command to trigger the elimination process.
Always reward your pet if he relieved himself outdoors as this will further reinforce the good habit.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 2 - Create A Den For Your New Dog Your pet will instinctively look for a place that could play the role of a den.
This is because he needs his own shelter where he can hide from all the fuss around and relax for a bit.
Because dogs are naturally clean animals your pet will not soil his leaving area and will have to learn how to control both bladder and colon.
This will significantly speed up toilet training dogs and reduce the amount of unexpected stinky spots spread all over the house.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 3 - Feed Him Regularly Not many people know this simple fact - dogs need to eliminate within the first 20 minutes from the last meal.
This knowledge can be used to your advantage.
All you have to do is to schedule the meals regularly and monitor your pets behavior for the following 20 minutes.
You can play with him or take him on a walk as both of these things will stimulate intestines and cause your pet to urinate or defecate faster.
Toilet Training Dogs Step 4 - What To Do If I Catch Him Red Handed First of all, do not hit or scream at your pet! Say firmly 'no' to stop him from eliminating on your favorite carpet and command him to go 'outside' by showing him the door and following him to the yard.
As soon as he finishes shower him with praise so that he knows that he has done well.
Because dogs will do everything to please their owners your pet will remember to avoid eliminating indoors and finish his business outside.