Classification of Diabetes - A Good Way to Treat Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious disease with high mortality risk.
Before treatment of diabetes, you need to know is what type of diabetes The type of diabetes Classification: • Type 1 Diabetes • Diabetes type 2 • Diabetes in pregnancy • The rare form of diabetes other type 1: This disease is also known as insulin dependent diabetes (insulin-dependent)-mediated immune (immune-medicated), or onset age is a juvenile (Juvenile-onset).
This type usually affects children, but can also occur in adults.
In type 1, the body can not produce insulin.
Reasons, the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks the cells in the pancreas makes pancreatic cells no longer produce insulin.
When no insulin, the cells will not use glucose, so glucose in the blood will increase dramatically.
Patients need insulin injections to live.
Type 2: This is the most common diabetes.
Typically, with type 2 diabetes, the body still produce insulin but cells can not use it.
This is called insulin resistance.
Over time, high blood sugar in the blood increases.
Obesity and physical inactivity increases the risk of developing type 2.
pregnancy: This is a form of diabetes occurs in some women, pregnancy and disappears after delivery.
Can cause complications for mother and child during pregnancy.
Women with gestational diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
The other type: There are many different types of diabetes.
A patient may have multiple characteristics of many different types.
For example, in Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)), also known as diabetes type 1.
5 or double diabetes, patients have characteristics of both type 1 diabetes and type 2.
Diagnosis usually occurs after age.
Most patients with LADA have enough insulin when newly diagnosed as type 2 diabetes in the next few years, but patients need insulin to control blood sugar.
In the LADA, as in type 1 diabetes, beta cells of the pancreas does not produce insulin because the body's immune system can attack and destroy the beta cells..
Experts said that LADA diabetes is slowly progressive form of type 1 diabetes.
The other type is caused by: • Defects in the genes of beta cells, such as diabetes onset in the young, pancreatic disease or pancreatic damage, such as pancreatitis or pancreatic fibrosis • Producing too much hormone insulin resistance caused by other diseases such as hormone cortisol in Cushings syndrome.
• The drug reduced the activity of insulin as glucocorticoids, or chemical destruction of beta cells.
• Infections, such as measles.
• The rare autoimmune disorders, such as stiff-man syndrome, an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system.
Before treatment of diabetes, you need to know is what type of diabetes The type of diabetes Classification: • Type 1 Diabetes • Diabetes type 2 • Diabetes in pregnancy • The rare form of diabetes other type 1: This disease is also known as insulin dependent diabetes (insulin-dependent)-mediated immune (immune-medicated), or onset age is a juvenile (Juvenile-onset).
This type usually affects children, but can also occur in adults.
In type 1, the body can not produce insulin.
Reasons, the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks the cells in the pancreas makes pancreatic cells no longer produce insulin.
When no insulin, the cells will not use glucose, so glucose in the blood will increase dramatically.
Patients need insulin injections to live.
Type 2: This is the most common diabetes.
Typically, with type 2 diabetes, the body still produce insulin but cells can not use it.
This is called insulin resistance.
Over time, high blood sugar in the blood increases.
Obesity and physical inactivity increases the risk of developing type 2.
pregnancy: This is a form of diabetes occurs in some women, pregnancy and disappears after delivery.
Can cause complications for mother and child during pregnancy.
Women with gestational diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
The other type: There are many different types of diabetes.
A patient may have multiple characteristics of many different types.
For example, in Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)), also known as diabetes type 1.
5 or double diabetes, patients have characteristics of both type 1 diabetes and type 2.
Diagnosis usually occurs after age.
Most patients with LADA have enough insulin when newly diagnosed as type 2 diabetes in the next few years, but patients need insulin to control blood sugar.
In the LADA, as in type 1 diabetes, beta cells of the pancreas does not produce insulin because the body's immune system can attack and destroy the beta cells..
Experts said that LADA diabetes is slowly progressive form of type 1 diabetes.
The other type is caused by: • Defects in the genes of beta cells, such as diabetes onset in the young, pancreatic disease or pancreatic damage, such as pancreatitis or pancreatic fibrosis • Producing too much hormone insulin resistance caused by other diseases such as hormone cortisol in Cushings syndrome.
• The drug reduced the activity of insulin as glucocorticoids, or chemical destruction of beta cells.
• Infections, such as measles.
• The rare autoimmune disorders, such as stiff-man syndrome, an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system.