Bed and Breakfast Directory for your guide
The location of your listing within a free directory will largely be determined by how many other listings have also been submitted and accepted. Most online guides offer B&B owners the option of free listings, which includes a link to your website; contact phone and physical address details, plus business information such as facilities, room numbers and the style of accommodation you provide.
Be sure about reviewing a directories listings and submission information. Some directories ask you for adding link from your website to theirs; in which case, you can either add their link to your website yourself or send the required link information to your web designer to update for you. When you are ready to apply for a listing the directory you are submitting to should be able to tell if you have already linked to them.
Some of the online guides are offering a number of listing options or packages like gold listings, silver listings and bronze listings, where the gold and silver listing options typically contain paid advertising components. Some of the benefits of membership are you can include guest loyalty schemes and coverage in other offline media such as books & magazines. For additional benefits such as this review a directories membership policy.
If you are thinking of paying a more exclusive listing with a Bed and Breakfast Directory be sure to ask the provider about their websites' effectiveness in generating traffic / visitors to your site. All reputable providers should be able to supply you with the monthly report statistics that can help you in tracking your advertising return on investment. One advantage to paid listings can be prominence on a listing page and extra information about your business.
Depending on your target market you may have a wish of listing your business with country specific and / or international online B&B guides. It is even more important to have your business listed in as many of these high quality directories as possible with more and more people using online search as a method for finding bed and breakfast accommodation. A simple search on any of the major search engines will list such directories for you.
Online B&B directories are very comprehensive; they allow the searcher to sort results by a number of parameters such as: location, cost, style of B&B and amenities. Ensure that you include as much detailed information as possible with each of your accommodation listings, as this is what users will be basing their personal search upon keeping this in mind. Bed and Breakfast Directory sites such as this can help your online marketing efforts with a link back to your website from a reputable directory and exposure to thousands of searchers.
Copyright © 2012
Be sure about reviewing a directories listings and submission information. Some directories ask you for adding link from your website to theirs; in which case, you can either add their link to your website yourself or send the required link information to your web designer to update for you. When you are ready to apply for a listing the directory you are submitting to should be able to tell if you have already linked to them.
Some of the online guides are offering a number of listing options or packages like gold listings, silver listings and bronze listings, where the gold and silver listing options typically contain paid advertising components. Some of the benefits of membership are you can include guest loyalty schemes and coverage in other offline media such as books & magazines. For additional benefits such as this review a directories membership policy.
If you are thinking of paying a more exclusive listing with a Bed and Breakfast Directory be sure to ask the provider about their websites' effectiveness in generating traffic / visitors to your site. All reputable providers should be able to supply you with the monthly report statistics that can help you in tracking your advertising return on investment. One advantage to paid listings can be prominence on a listing page and extra information about your business.
Depending on your target market you may have a wish of listing your business with country specific and / or international online B&B guides. It is even more important to have your business listed in as many of these high quality directories as possible with more and more people using online search as a method for finding bed and breakfast accommodation. A simple search on any of the major search engines will list such directories for you.
Online B&B directories are very comprehensive; they allow the searcher to sort results by a number of parameters such as: location, cost, style of B&B and amenities. Ensure that you include as much detailed information as possible with each of your accommodation listings, as this is what users will be basing their personal search upon keeping this in mind. Bed and Breakfast Directory sites such as this can help your online marketing efforts with a link back to your website from a reputable directory and exposure to thousands of searchers.
Copyright © 2012