Bio Feedback Testing
- Biofeedback testing is a tool used in collaboration between health care professionals and patients to improve health. The use of biofeedback testing and training as a treatment signifies that behavior, thoughts and feelings have a significant impact on a person's health. It enables patients to take responsibility for maintaining their own health.
- Biofeedback testing involves teaching patients how to identify groups of symptoms that cause different ailments. Patients are taught relaxation exercises to cope with stressful events. They examine their day-to-day lifestyle to identify how their own actions may contribute to their own distress. In addition, clinicians use machines that detect a person's internal bodily functions to direct the progress of the treatment. Patients are often accordingly encouraged to change their habits.
- Biofeedback testing techniques are used to treat a variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include migraine headaches, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, epilepsy, paralysis and many other disorders and conditions.