Does Olive Oil Prevent Stretch Marks?
- Human skin has an elastic feature. When you tug on it and release it, skin snaps back into shape. Sometimes, though, the skin is stretched beyond its elasticity. When this happens over a short amount of time, the skin's collagen and elastin fibers tear, which causes individuals to develop stretch marks. Pregnancy, rapid weight gain and rapid muscle development commonly lead to stretch marks. Areas of the body with the most stored fat are most susceptible to stretch marks. These areas include the stomach, the upper arms, thighs and hips. Stretch marks often appear purple at first, but often fade to a lighter color over time.
- Undoubtedly, olive oil provides nutrients to the skin. After all, it packs vitamins A, D and E along with other nutrients. Olive oil also has been proven fight off artery-clogging LDL cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease.
Many people believe rubbing olive oil on skin eliminates stretch marks, but the reality is that it only helps as a preventive measure. Rubbing olive oil on your skin provides moisture, but it cannot remove stretch marks that already exist. In fact, olive oil only reaches the top layer of skin. It does not penetrate below the surface of the skin, where stretch marks scars are located. - While rubbing olive oil on your skin cannot eliminate stretch marks, it can help to prevent them. Olive oil, cocoa butter and other massaging creams soften the skin, which helps prepare it for any stretching that might be on the way. By softening the skin, you make it easier for the skin to stretch. This reduces the likelihood that you will develop stretch marks. Therefore, some doctors recommend olive oil and other moisturizing creams to pregnant women.
Stretch Marks Explained
Eliminating Stretch Marks
Preventing Stretch Marks