Side Jobs for Medical Doctors
- Medical doctors work as session lecturers in colleges and universities, as well as within medical schools. Teaching pre-med courses at the college and university level, as well as teaching social science courses on the philosophy of medicine, are side job opportunities for physicians.
- Working as a consultant for a insurance company is another possible side job for a medical doctor. Medical professionals provide advice to insurance companies on the validity of claims and the specifics of client injuries and illnesses. They also provide a medical perspective on policy development and maintenance. Medical professionals might also provide these same services to a public-sector body, such as a worker's-compensation division of government.
- Engaging in advisory work with a corporation, government entity or prominent industry organization is another source of additional income for a physician. Advisory board members provide expertise to the senior management, executives and board of directors of an organization. Compensation is typically in the form of an honorarium; the size of the honorarium depends on the organization, the length of term and the kind of advice provided to the organization.
- Some medical doctors complete independent research while others complete research funded by pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Leading or participating in research studies is another side job for a physician; physicians receive compensation through the results of research breakthroughs or through compensation provided by partnering bodies, such as the pharmaceutical or medical companies.
Lecturer Work
Advisory Board Member