Multi-Body Dynamic Analysis Program for Solar Cell Manipulator
A €Solar Cell' or €Photovoltaic Cell' is a unique electrical device that helps convert the solar energy into electrical energy with the help of photovoltaic effect. The task of transporting this equipment in each step of the manufacturing process of the device is performed by one of its indispensable parts called device manipulator. In this article, we have focused on the development of a flexible multi-body dynamic analysis (MBD analysis) model of this manipulator that will boost the efficiency of the device to a great extent.
Need of a MBD Analysis Program for Solar Cell
With the rapid civilization and industrialization, the demand of electrical energy is growing at a higher pace than the supply. More and more people are trying to find out efficient substitutes to combat the crisis, which is stimulating the need for larger and greater resources of alternative energy even more. Hence, manufacturers are trying to increase the size of devices these days in order to produce supplementary electrical energy.
As this device has been getting larger, the length of fork of its manipulator that helps in the transportation of the cells from one manufacturing step to another is also becoming much important. The forks are getting longer in compatibility with the equipment glass which is causing error in the positioning of the manipulator due to their altered characteristics, such as weight, vibration, deflection, etc. However, a perfectly designed multi-body dynamic analysis program having the facility of position control can be used for analysing the changing features of the manipulator forks and fixing this issue efficiently.
Flexible MBD Model of the Manipulator
The device manipulator model is basically made of rigid bodies that have negligible deformation. The long fork having comparatively small cross-section area is deflected, and this feature is attributable to the weight of the entire device. On the other hand, it also vibrates due to the rotation or translation of the manipulator. Therefore, the entire model is considered as a complete flexible body. Now, when the standard functions are performed with this model, we get result that is almost similar with that of the dynamic mechanical analysis. That is why; the developed MBD analysis program is regarded as a reliable one.
Position Control of the Model
As the designed MBD analysis model is highly flexible, it is subjected to momentous level of vibration during the operation. As a result, the tip of the fork vibrates in a vertical direction which affects the positioning of this equipment manipulator largely. However, a numerical model of this manipulator fork is developed in order to come up with efficient control logic. It can effectively neutralize the vibrations generated in the fork and help position the manipulator accurately.
In order to analyse the flexible multi-body dynamic analysis model of solar cell manipulator, the €Floating Frame of Reference Frame' (FFRF) method is used. Usually, the process of simulation is carried out only when there is no translational or rotational motion of this manipulator.
Need of a MBD Analysis Program for Solar Cell
With the rapid civilization and industrialization, the demand of electrical energy is growing at a higher pace than the supply. More and more people are trying to find out efficient substitutes to combat the crisis, which is stimulating the need for larger and greater resources of alternative energy even more. Hence, manufacturers are trying to increase the size of devices these days in order to produce supplementary electrical energy.
As this device has been getting larger, the length of fork of its manipulator that helps in the transportation of the cells from one manufacturing step to another is also becoming much important. The forks are getting longer in compatibility with the equipment glass which is causing error in the positioning of the manipulator due to their altered characteristics, such as weight, vibration, deflection, etc. However, a perfectly designed multi-body dynamic analysis program having the facility of position control can be used for analysing the changing features of the manipulator forks and fixing this issue efficiently.
Flexible MBD Model of the Manipulator
The device manipulator model is basically made of rigid bodies that have negligible deformation. The long fork having comparatively small cross-section area is deflected, and this feature is attributable to the weight of the entire device. On the other hand, it also vibrates due to the rotation or translation of the manipulator. Therefore, the entire model is considered as a complete flexible body. Now, when the standard functions are performed with this model, we get result that is almost similar with that of the dynamic mechanical analysis. That is why; the developed MBD analysis program is regarded as a reliable one.
Position Control of the Model
As the designed MBD analysis model is highly flexible, it is subjected to momentous level of vibration during the operation. As a result, the tip of the fork vibrates in a vertical direction which affects the positioning of this equipment manipulator largely. However, a numerical model of this manipulator fork is developed in order to come up with efficient control logic. It can effectively neutralize the vibrations generated in the fork and help position the manipulator accurately.
In order to analyse the flexible multi-body dynamic analysis model of solar cell manipulator, the €Floating Frame of Reference Frame' (FFRF) method is used. Usually, the process of simulation is carried out only when there is no translational or rotational motion of this manipulator.