How to Program a Remote Keyless Entry Transmitter for a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am
- 1). Close all the doors on the car and remove the MALL PGM fuse from the fuse block under the hood.
- 2). Sit in the driver's seat and put the key into the ignition. Turn the key to "Accessories." At this point, the seat belt indicator light will blink and a chime will sound one to three times. You do not need to know the number of times, it is merely the car figuring out what system it has.
- 3). Put the ignition into the "Off" position and return it to the accessories position within one second.
- 4). Open the driver's door and then close it again. You will hear a chime that denotes the car is in programming mode.
- 5). Press and hold the "Unlock" and "Lock" buttons on the remote, simultaneously. Hold them down for 14 total seconds. After seven seconds, a chime will sound to denote that the remote is synchronized with the system. After an additional seven seconds, a second chime will sound denoting that the programming of that remote is complete. Repeat this step for each remote that you want programmed to this car.
- 6). Turn the key to the "Off" position and remove it from the ignition. Re-install the MALL PGM fuse into the fuse block.