Multilevel Marketing For Beginners
How do you differentiate between the illegal costly scams of pyramid selling and the legal multilevel network marketing? With Multi Level Marketing which is made up of networking and franchising.
Such networking elements come together as a result of skill, commitment, perspiration and talent.
The franchising part requires the promotion and marketing of a product or service that primarily belongs to an established organisation.
Herbal life and Amway are two that immediately come to mind and are familiar household names that have structures associated with Multilevel Marketing.
These type of companies have a history of providing remarkable support to their members who act as distributors.
With regular training programs, tools and techniques that go along way in enhancing their effectiveness in the market place.
How it works, is quite simple.
One multilevel network marketing member signs another members that wants to make a legitimate income by selling that organizations products.
Income is derived in two forms one through individuals effort in selling the product and two in the form of commission which is primarily earned when a new member signs up.
This split or dividing of the commission varies from company to company.
It is this splitting of commission that the term multilevel marketing is derived from, as up line gets a cut of the action.
The incentive is to continue recruiting members below you, by doing this not only does your time becomes leveraged, your income explodes as you get rewarded for the efforts of others.
How Is this different from pyramid selling? Primarily pyramid selling does not have a product.
It's aim is to get you to hand over your money then for you to have the right to be able to do the same to others.
That is get them to sign in as members that hand over money and so on and so on.
So as you can see the new member gets nothing for their money, just the right to take money from others.
Ways To Spot Pyramid Selling if you don't see any of the following it is most likely a Pyramid Selling Scheme 1) Look If they provide training with a back office and support 2) Look at the product.
Is it a product in high demand and of use.
3) Look for a Mentor that will give you methods and tools and guidance.
4) Look for a physical product.
It is advisable to go with proven multilevel marketing organizations to avoid any pitfalls.
Avoid Pyramid selling at all cost.
Such networking elements come together as a result of skill, commitment, perspiration and talent.
The franchising part requires the promotion and marketing of a product or service that primarily belongs to an established organisation.
Herbal life and Amway are two that immediately come to mind and are familiar household names that have structures associated with Multilevel Marketing.
These type of companies have a history of providing remarkable support to their members who act as distributors.
With regular training programs, tools and techniques that go along way in enhancing their effectiveness in the market place.
How it works, is quite simple.
One multilevel network marketing member signs another members that wants to make a legitimate income by selling that organizations products.
Income is derived in two forms one through individuals effort in selling the product and two in the form of commission which is primarily earned when a new member signs up.
This split or dividing of the commission varies from company to company.
It is this splitting of commission that the term multilevel marketing is derived from, as up line gets a cut of the action.
The incentive is to continue recruiting members below you, by doing this not only does your time becomes leveraged, your income explodes as you get rewarded for the efforts of others.
How Is this different from pyramid selling? Primarily pyramid selling does not have a product.
It's aim is to get you to hand over your money then for you to have the right to be able to do the same to others.
That is get them to sign in as members that hand over money and so on and so on.
So as you can see the new member gets nothing for their money, just the right to take money from others.
Ways To Spot Pyramid Selling if you don't see any of the following it is most likely a Pyramid Selling Scheme 1) Look If they provide training with a back office and support 2) Look at the product.
Is it a product in high demand and of use.
3) Look for a Mentor that will give you methods and tools and guidance.
4) Look for a physical product.
It is advisable to go with proven multilevel marketing organizations to avoid any pitfalls.
Avoid Pyramid selling at all cost.