Still Camera Shot Ideas
- Landscapes are some of the most popular types of photos because of their ability to capture the beauty of nature. A landscape photo is used to show large outdoor spaces that seemingly expand endlessly into the horizon. In many landscape photographs very few, if any, man-made structures are present. Any human activities are often purposefully kept out of these types of photos to convey a naturalistic feel. Some of the most photographed subjects in landscape photography include waterfalls, meadows, coastlines, and mountain ranges. Another major aspect of landscape photography is the lighting of each composition. For example, photos taken at sunrise convey a different feel than those taken at night because of the way the light bends to interact with the items in the photo. A few ideas for landscape photos include pictures of your neighborhood, a park, or playground.
- Portrait photography is the most common type of photo seen throughout the world today. Portraits appear on the Internet on various websites including social networks. Portraits have been taken since the first cameras were developed during the 1800s. A portrait is a type of photograph that captures the likeness of a person and most often features a persons face and upper body. These types of photos are usually compositions that have been set up in advance. Ideas for portraits include group portraits or a photo of someone wearing their favorite outfit.
- The term macro photography is widely used to describe photographs of subjects that have been taken from extremely close angles. The types of photographs are often taken to enlarge incredibly small objects such as ants or even a grain of sand. Macro photography is used in everything from crime scene investigation, to marketing campaigns. This type of photography usually requires an extremely shallow depth of field where the subject is the only object in focus in the photo. Macro photography can usually only be accomplished with the use of professional SLR or DSLR cameras but on occasion can also be done with various consumer grade digital cameras that allow for the manual adjustment of the lens focus. A few ideas for macro photography would be taking a closeup of an article of clothing or getting a shot of a flower.
- Wildlife photography is a form of photography in which a photographer documents animals as they complete a portion of their daily routine. This type of photography often requires a photographer to be familiar with the type of animal they are attempting to photograph. Wildlife photography can be accomplished anywhere, from the heart of large cities, to the jungles of South America. A few ideas for wildlife photography would be getting a shot of a bird nesting in a tree or a frog in a pond.
Landscape Photography
Portrait Photography
Macro Photography
Wildlife Photography