National Guard On The Border and Politics
The President of the United States has said we need to put more National Guard on the Border and indeed it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to protect the States from Foreign Invaders as per the Constitution.
So it is now been requested and it is the duty of the US Senate and Congress to see that this is done.
Now a couple of border Governors are trying to play both sides of the political game and whining that they were not consulted as to the President's Plan to put the National Guard on the border? Yet the Governors have been requesting beefed up border security and several of them have stated we need the US Army on the Border with Mexico.
Well, now it is you see? I say; "No worries, as it is what the people want.
" And it is what is best for our nation too and the Governors know this already.
Some folks find all this political rhetoric kind of amusing, when all of them have said at least once in the past that we need the military down there and/or called for the use of the Guard.
I think the Governors are also reiterating the question of; is the Federal Government really going to fix this issue or is it another PR stunt.
That is what we have to watch out for.
So, this is a very important endeavor and people will want immediate action of course, they lack patience in this new world of 2 min average attention spans.
In fact as an online writer I have noticed that I have had to cut down my articles to about 220 to 400 words or no one will read them.
Many folks say such things such as; "I wish they would all just adhere to the immigration laws that are on the books now and would just do what Americans want.
" This is what I have found scouring the Internet and participating on Political Style Blogs and really what true American can argue with such obvious logic? And the other message I am hearing out there goes something like this; "You know, who cares about political correctness and why the Legislatures would concern themselves more with the citizens of other countries than their own.
" It appears that the Illegal Alien issues will be debated a bit more, but the problem may actually be solved during President Bush's term in office and this is something that the Administration can be proud of, as well as our ancestry who sacrificed so much to leave us in such good shape in such wonderful country.
So, perhaps you will consider this in 2006.
So it is now been requested and it is the duty of the US Senate and Congress to see that this is done.
Now a couple of border Governors are trying to play both sides of the political game and whining that they were not consulted as to the President's Plan to put the National Guard on the border? Yet the Governors have been requesting beefed up border security and several of them have stated we need the US Army on the Border with Mexico.
Well, now it is you see? I say; "No worries, as it is what the people want.
" And it is what is best for our nation too and the Governors know this already.
Some folks find all this political rhetoric kind of amusing, when all of them have said at least once in the past that we need the military down there and/or called for the use of the Guard.
I think the Governors are also reiterating the question of; is the Federal Government really going to fix this issue or is it another PR stunt.
That is what we have to watch out for.
So, this is a very important endeavor and people will want immediate action of course, they lack patience in this new world of 2 min average attention spans.
In fact as an online writer I have noticed that I have had to cut down my articles to about 220 to 400 words or no one will read them.
Many folks say such things such as; "I wish they would all just adhere to the immigration laws that are on the books now and would just do what Americans want.
" This is what I have found scouring the Internet and participating on Political Style Blogs and really what true American can argue with such obvious logic? And the other message I am hearing out there goes something like this; "You know, who cares about political correctness and why the Legislatures would concern themselves more with the citizens of other countries than their own.
" It appears that the Illegal Alien issues will be debated a bit more, but the problem may actually be solved during President Bush's term in office and this is something that the Administration can be proud of, as well as our ancestry who sacrificed so much to leave us in such good shape in such wonderful country.
So, perhaps you will consider this in 2006.