How To Follow Your Intuition And Live More Comfortably
Whatever your religion, belief system or faith, intuition is a gift that we have that can be used to steer our lives more successfully towards getting what we want and enjoying it.
Have you ever been driving along, and suddenly known that you should turn off the road? Or known not to go somewhere because it feels unsafe before you start? Or called someone because you were thinking of them, only to find that they really needed to talk to you? These are just some of the ways that our intuition lets us know which way to turn or that we are needed.
Generally, this ability to hear our inner guidance is something that we are not in touch with. For those that meditate or spend a lot of time outdoors, or practice listening to their intuition, guidance can be heard more easily.
For others, understanding that we have a higher self which is always guiding us to keep us safe is more challenging. For those that are caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, working, and chasing around trying to get everything done, there is little time to hear any guidance that comes from within.
However, when you can learn to listen to your guidance and follow it when it communicates with you, life can become more peaceful. When we ignore the voice that comes from within, and life seems to be extremely hard, it is because we are not acknowledging the part of us that is guiding us to change. Any resistance to change or guidance will feel like you are walking knee deep in mud. Nothing goes right for you and problems arise from all sides.
When you are able to hear your inner voice, life seems to flow. Events happen that were unforeseen and bring you new opportunities and everything seems to go very smoothly.
If you are experiencing blockages in your path and life is not easy for you, try to remember to stop and listen to your intuition. It may be challenging at first, but it does not take long to understand what "feels!" right, and what does not. If your guidance is telling you to do something that you are frightened of, ask for help in finding the courage to follow your instinct. Each baby step in the right direction will let your inner wisdom know that you are following its' guidance, and the next step will be revealed. Gradually, you will find the path to whatever it is that you are supposed to be doing, and you will find more peace.
Written by Caroline Nettle.
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Have you ever been driving along, and suddenly known that you should turn off the road? Or known not to go somewhere because it feels unsafe before you start? Or called someone because you were thinking of them, only to find that they really needed to talk to you? These are just some of the ways that our intuition lets us know which way to turn or that we are needed.
Generally, this ability to hear our inner guidance is something that we are not in touch with. For those that meditate or spend a lot of time outdoors, or practice listening to their intuition, guidance can be heard more easily.
For others, understanding that we have a higher self which is always guiding us to keep us safe is more challenging. For those that are caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, working, and chasing around trying to get everything done, there is little time to hear any guidance that comes from within.
However, when you can learn to listen to your guidance and follow it when it communicates with you, life can become more peaceful. When we ignore the voice that comes from within, and life seems to be extremely hard, it is because we are not acknowledging the part of us that is guiding us to change. Any resistance to change or guidance will feel like you are walking knee deep in mud. Nothing goes right for you and problems arise from all sides.
When you are able to hear your inner voice, life seems to flow. Events happen that were unforeseen and bring you new opportunities and everything seems to go very smoothly.
If you are experiencing blockages in your path and life is not easy for you, try to remember to stop and listen to your intuition. It may be challenging at first, but it does not take long to understand what "feels!" right, and what does not. If your guidance is telling you to do something that you are frightened of, ask for help in finding the courage to follow your instinct. Each baby step in the right direction will let your inner wisdom know that you are following its' guidance, and the next step will be revealed. Gradually, you will find the path to whatever it is that you are supposed to be doing, and you will find more peace.
Written by Caroline Nettle.
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