Individual Health Insurance Policies That Cover Pre-Existing Conditions
- The core health insurance plan offers limited indemnity coverage and does not provide major medical coverage. The plan is available to individuals in most states under the age of 65. Policies can be issued that pay for pre-existing conditions with two limitations: a waiting period of 30 days for doctor's visits for newly issued policies and a 12-month waiting period for pre-existing coverage for hospital and surgical benefits.
- The basic health insurance plan is a lower-cost alternative that provides a fixed-amount of limited benefits and is not major medical insurance. The plan is available in most states and accepts all applicants that are under the age of 70 without regard to medical history. The plan will also pay for pre-existing conditions after a plan member has been enrolled for 6 months.
- The Value Med Insurance Plan is a limited health benefit insurance plan but does not play the entire amount of medical bills. Coverage includes up to 10 doctors visits per calendar year and hospital charges. The plan requires no deductible or co-payment and individuals can use any doctor or hospital of their choice. The plan is renewable to age 65 and covers pre-existing conditions after a waiting period of 12 months.
- Many states have public assistance programs that individuals can use that provide free or low-cost health insurance. Pre-existing conditions are generally covered by public assistance plans after coverage has been in force depending on the rules set in each state. State requirements for coverage can vary between 6 to 18 months. One type of public assistance plan that is available in many states is called "Insure Kids Now".
- Many states have a high-risk pool for individuals who cannot obtain coverage in the standard private insurance market. A state's high-risk pool is often the insurer of last resort that accepts individuals that have been denied health insurance coverage. Coverage for pre-existing conditions is available after a waiting period between 6 to 18 months. This waiting period does not apply if an individual has had less than a 2 month gap in coverage for the past 12 months.
Core Health Insurance
Basic Health Insurance
Value Med Insurance Plan
Public Assistance Plans
High-Risk Pools