How to Apply for Disability Medicaid in Indianapolis
- 1). Secure required forms.
Applications can be printed from the Internet.
Applications also can be completed at the regional office nearest to your home. The office addresses for Indianapolis are:
4720 Kingsway Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46205
(317) 202-6400
3500 Lafayette Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222
(317) 329-1571
3524 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 931-2920
863 Massachusetts Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-3328
2855 N. Keystone Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46218
(317) 610-7240
901 S. Shelby St.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
(317) 233-9892
Applications also can be picked up at community organizations in the Indianapolis area. Some of the organizations are:
Community Action Agency, (317) 396-1800
Area Agency on Aging, (317) 245-5465 or 1-800-489-9550
Community Mental Health, (317) 630-7621 - 2). Complete the application and return it to the regional office nearest your home.
To complete the paperwork you will need to supply your proof of income (check stub, W-2 forms, statement from employer), proof of residency in Indianapolis (electric bill, water bill or statement from landlord--these should show your physical address; post office addresses will not help), proof of disability (there will be forms for your doctor to complete).
Your doctor will be asked to sign forms concerning your disability and may be contacted by the state Medicaid office. - 3). Wait for a response. This could take up to 90 days when applying for Disability Medicaid in Indianapolis.
- 4). If you are denied coverage under Medicaid you have options.
You may file an appeal. To file an appeal, contact the Office of Family Resources in person, by telephone or in writing. The address is:
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
402 W. Washington St.
Form W-363
Indianapolis, IN 46204.
(800) 622-4932
If you are a working person with a disability, you may apply for Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities (M.E.D.). This program is a buy-in program and may require you to pay a monthly premium. Eligibility is based on disability status, resource limits and income, and you must be between the ages of 16 and 65. To apply for this program, contact the caseworker who helped you apply for regular Disability Medicaid at the Division of Family Resources or call (317) 233-0587.