How To Tell The Sex Of A Turtle
Turtles are different from other animals in many ways.
One of which is the fact that it is relatively easy to differentiate between the sexes with most other animals, whereas with turtles it is not so obvious.
Often you have to wait until the turtle is almost an adult - around three to five years of age - in order to be able to differentiate between the sexes.
It is important to remember that gender characteristics with turtles can also vary based on the species of the reptile, which can add to the confusion.
If you are trying to determine the sex of the turtle whilst it is still young the only option is a blood test or other complicated test.
Before you start to determine the sex of your adult turtle you should make sure that you know what species it is, as the characteristics can vary based on the species.
Checking the lower shell, or plastron, of the turtle may tell you more about its gender, as females usually have a straight, flat plastron whereas the male tends of have a curved one.
The tail of the turtle may also help to determine the sex, as females tend to have shorter, thinner tails than the males.
Turtles also have an opening known as the cloaca, which is used to urinate, defecate, and also to lay eggs for females.
In the female of the species this is located on the underside of the tail quite close to the body.
In the male it is located further out on the tail.
The size of the adult turtle is another clue to its gender, as females generally tend to be larger than males.
They also tend to have smaller claws.
Males can often be distinguished due to their more aggressive behaviour, especially when mating.
You may also find that there are differences that are specific to the species.
Once you have determined the species of the turtle you can find out more about the various differences and physical characteristics that can help to determine the gender.
For example, in certain breeds the female will have different coloured eyes to the male.
You may need to look at a combination of these signs in order to conclusively determine whether your pet turtle is a male or a female.
You will find that some of the methods used are more effective than others and by using a variety of possible signs to indicate the gender you have a better chance of getting it right.
One of which is the fact that it is relatively easy to differentiate between the sexes with most other animals, whereas with turtles it is not so obvious.
Often you have to wait until the turtle is almost an adult - around three to five years of age - in order to be able to differentiate between the sexes.
It is important to remember that gender characteristics with turtles can also vary based on the species of the reptile, which can add to the confusion.
If you are trying to determine the sex of the turtle whilst it is still young the only option is a blood test or other complicated test.
Before you start to determine the sex of your adult turtle you should make sure that you know what species it is, as the characteristics can vary based on the species.
Checking the lower shell, or plastron, of the turtle may tell you more about its gender, as females usually have a straight, flat plastron whereas the male tends of have a curved one.
The tail of the turtle may also help to determine the sex, as females tend to have shorter, thinner tails than the males.
Turtles also have an opening known as the cloaca, which is used to urinate, defecate, and also to lay eggs for females.
In the female of the species this is located on the underside of the tail quite close to the body.
In the male it is located further out on the tail.
The size of the adult turtle is another clue to its gender, as females generally tend to be larger than males.
They also tend to have smaller claws.
Males can often be distinguished due to their more aggressive behaviour, especially when mating.
You may also find that there are differences that are specific to the species.
Once you have determined the species of the turtle you can find out more about the various differences and physical characteristics that can help to determine the gender.
For example, in certain breeds the female will have different coloured eyes to the male.
You may need to look at a combination of these signs in order to conclusively determine whether your pet turtle is a male or a female.
You will find that some of the methods used are more effective than others and by using a variety of possible signs to indicate the gender you have a better chance of getting it right.