Helpful Web Marketing Tools
- To measure the effectiveness of your Internet marketing efforts, you need a way to characterize, measure and assess the traffic coming to your site. Web metrics reporting tools provide this type of analysis. Report data includes where the traffic came from, how many visitors to your site are return visitors, what keywords were used to find your site and the average time spent on your site.
- A keyword is a word or phrase provided to search engines to help a Web surfer find the information he is looking for. Keywords are also used in the content on a website. To attract qualified prospects to your site, you need content that contains the right keywords. Keyword analysis tools provide data such as the number of searches a month made for specific keywords and related terms. They also indicate how much competition there is for keywords. One key to effective web marketing is to find keywords relevant to your site that enough people are searching for.
- One strategy for attracting visitors to your site is to syndicate content to different locations on the Internet and embed in that content links back to your site. Marketing syndication tools are available to automatically submit content for you in such formats as video, text articles and audio. Although the syndication could be done manually, automated submission tools get the syndication task completed more quickly.
- An email marketing tool provides a way to capture email addresses of visitors to your site, enter those email addresses into one common database and use that contact information to broadcast email messages to persons listed in the database. With such a tool, you can send emails to a segment of the database and set up a sequence of emails that are automatically sent at preset intervals.
- Rank-checking tools provide ranking information for competing websites. Enter a keyword into one of these tools and it provides a listing of the top ten sites in the search engine results for that keyword. In addition, the tools can provide an analysis and report of the reasons why a website has achieved top-ten ranking.
Web Metrics Reporting
Keyword Analysis
Content Syndication
Email Marketing
Rank Checker