Understanding Compulsive Skin Picking
Compulsive skin picking is something that a lot of people struggle with.
Some people see it as merely a habit that should be able to be stopped anytime someone decides they want to stop it.
Unfortunately for those that struggle with it, this is simply not the case.
Skin picking is actually a mild form of obsessive compulsive disorder.
The effects and severity of the disorder can range from a mild nervous habit, to an obsession that can permanently damage the skin, and have potentially life altering consequences.
It isn't as simple as simply stopping.
There is much more to it than that.
It is vital to first understand what is going on.
You must understand the disorder if you, or someone you know and love, are struggling with it.
Having a lack of understanding of what is going on will result in merely trying to treat the symptoms, which will never work in the long run.
What must be treated are not the symptoms, but the root cause.
If it were as easy as treating the symptoms, no one would suffer from the disorder! While compulsive skin picking can affect all members of the population, women and children are much more prone than are men.
If someone you love is going through it, you might think you are helping the situation by "calling them out" each time you see them picking at their skin.
While your intentions may be good, all that is really happening is you are causing extreme embarrassment to the individual, which will make them engage in the habit even further.
You may see them doing it less, but this is only because they will most likely do it in private.
If you want to help, you must understand that they really have no control over the picking itself, because there is something underneath that is causing the behavior.
It is vital to address the root causes, not the behavior itself.
It is absolutely possible to stop compulsive skin picking, but it will not happen if this is all you focus on.
Whether you are struggling with the disorder yourself, or are watching someone you love go through it, the first key understanding you must have is that there is a root cause, and that is what needs to be treated.
Treating this cause will have a positive and life long effect.
Some people see it as merely a habit that should be able to be stopped anytime someone decides they want to stop it.
Unfortunately for those that struggle with it, this is simply not the case.
Skin picking is actually a mild form of obsessive compulsive disorder.
The effects and severity of the disorder can range from a mild nervous habit, to an obsession that can permanently damage the skin, and have potentially life altering consequences.
It isn't as simple as simply stopping.
There is much more to it than that.
It is vital to first understand what is going on.
You must understand the disorder if you, or someone you know and love, are struggling with it.
Having a lack of understanding of what is going on will result in merely trying to treat the symptoms, which will never work in the long run.
What must be treated are not the symptoms, but the root cause.
If it were as easy as treating the symptoms, no one would suffer from the disorder! While compulsive skin picking can affect all members of the population, women and children are much more prone than are men.
If someone you love is going through it, you might think you are helping the situation by "calling them out" each time you see them picking at their skin.
While your intentions may be good, all that is really happening is you are causing extreme embarrassment to the individual, which will make them engage in the habit even further.
You may see them doing it less, but this is only because they will most likely do it in private.
If you want to help, you must understand that they really have no control over the picking itself, because there is something underneath that is causing the behavior.
It is vital to address the root causes, not the behavior itself.
It is absolutely possible to stop compulsive skin picking, but it will not happen if this is all you focus on.
Whether you are struggling with the disorder yourself, or are watching someone you love go through it, the first key understanding you must have is that there is a root cause, and that is what needs to be treated.
Treating this cause will have a positive and life long effect.