How to Write an Impressive Apology
- 1). Write what happened, summarizing the relevant players and providing the background on how the situation came about. Include any important information about your role in the company and the kind of project you were working on. Or if the apology has been ordered by a court, state how you came to know the plaintiff or victim of your crime.
- 2). Assume full responsibility for your actions, acknowledging the hurt you have caused. Be specific about damage you have done to reputations, property, health and emotional well-being. Describe your actions using language such as "irresponsible," "thoughtless," "foolish," "deceitful" and "out of control."
- 3). Say that you are sorry. Express contrition for what you have done. Ask for forgiveness from the offended parties, say that you have learned your lesson and promise to make amends for your wrongs.