Panic Attacks & Fear - How Your "Fear" is the Key to Stopping Panic Attacks
The fear of a panic attack can cause panic attacks.
Fear of the terrifying symptoms of a previous panic attack can be imprinted in your psyche.
The outcome is that your fear increases your anxiety, which in turn increases the risk of further attacks.
This is a repetitive cycle that needs to be broken if you want to be completely free from anxiety and panic attacks.
Some 3 million Americans suffer panic attacks, whose symptoms are absolutely frightening.
The symptoms like, palpitations, racing heart, nausea, trembling, sweating, tightness in the chest, tight throat, and a feeling of some impending doom, are so horrifying that nobody wants to experience one ever again.
So they have a psychological fear, a dread, of having one.
If you've suffered, and continue to suffer, panic attacks, the underlying reason is that you're suffering higher levels of anxiety and stress than normal.
Everyone suffers daily stress and anxiety, but most people are able to handle it and function normally.
But millions of folks, for various reasons, have much higher daily stress and anxiety levels.
So that when an everyday stressful event occurs (e.
job interview, exam, stuck in rush hour traffic, shopping, etc.
), on top of already heightened levels of stress and anxiety, a panic attack is often the outcome.
Now, having suffered panic attacks before, you don't want to have another.
This 'fear' actually builds on your psyche so that it is always there, adding to your overall anxiety levels.
And when another stressful event occurs it triggers another attack, and so on.
This is the 'cycle of anxiety' or 'anxiety thought loop'.
Basically it's a vicious cycle of anxiety, panic attack, fear, anxiety, panic attack, fear..
and so on.
Everyday treatment for anxiety and panic attacks tend to either regulate brain chemistry through drugs to deal with the symptoms (i.
help to calm you down), or, help you to try to cope with your problem, through things like meditation, self-hypnosis, counselling, etc.
Of course one of the problems with drug-based medication is their side effects; nausea, vomiting, cramps, and in some cases dependency.
The problem you are faced with is how to eliminate your fear of a panic attack, in other words, how to break the repetitive cycle of anxiety and fear.
Unless you do this you will never experience complete freedom from anxiety and panic attacks.
Fear of the terrifying symptoms of a previous panic attack can be imprinted in your psyche.
The outcome is that your fear increases your anxiety, which in turn increases the risk of further attacks.
This is a repetitive cycle that needs to be broken if you want to be completely free from anxiety and panic attacks.
Some 3 million Americans suffer panic attacks, whose symptoms are absolutely frightening.
The symptoms like, palpitations, racing heart, nausea, trembling, sweating, tightness in the chest, tight throat, and a feeling of some impending doom, are so horrifying that nobody wants to experience one ever again.
So they have a psychological fear, a dread, of having one.
If you've suffered, and continue to suffer, panic attacks, the underlying reason is that you're suffering higher levels of anxiety and stress than normal.
Everyone suffers daily stress and anxiety, but most people are able to handle it and function normally.
But millions of folks, for various reasons, have much higher daily stress and anxiety levels.
So that when an everyday stressful event occurs (e.
job interview, exam, stuck in rush hour traffic, shopping, etc.
), on top of already heightened levels of stress and anxiety, a panic attack is often the outcome.
Now, having suffered panic attacks before, you don't want to have another.
This 'fear' actually builds on your psyche so that it is always there, adding to your overall anxiety levels.
And when another stressful event occurs it triggers another attack, and so on.
This is the 'cycle of anxiety' or 'anxiety thought loop'.
Basically it's a vicious cycle of anxiety, panic attack, fear, anxiety, panic attack, fear..
and so on.
Everyday treatment for anxiety and panic attacks tend to either regulate brain chemistry through drugs to deal with the symptoms (i.
help to calm you down), or, help you to try to cope with your problem, through things like meditation, self-hypnosis, counselling, etc.
Of course one of the problems with drug-based medication is their side effects; nausea, vomiting, cramps, and in some cases dependency.
The problem you are faced with is how to eliminate your fear of a panic attack, in other words, how to break the repetitive cycle of anxiety and fear.
Unless you do this you will never experience complete freedom from anxiety and panic attacks.