Tips on Training a Dog or Puppy
- Keeping your cool and holding on to your patience might be the hardest part of training your dog, but it's very important. The more agitated you get, the more stressed out your dog will be, and it probably won't learn anything you're trying to teach it.
- Give your dog short commands like "sit," "stay," "down," "come," "stand" and "off." Sentences will just confuse your pet, as will switching them up, so always stick to the same ones. Give the dog its reward within seconds of its completing the command so that it makes the connection between obedience and reward.
- Your puppy's prize can be treats, praise or activities it enjoys. Make your dog sit before you put its leash on to go for a walk. Have your pet sit and shake before you throw a ball when you're playing. Rub your pet's belly, but have it roll over on command first. This constant reinforcement will shorten training time.
- Routine is how your dog knows everything is right in its world. The importance of keeping everything regular from feeding time to when you come and go each day cannot be overstated. The only time in training when change is appropriate is if something in the routine is impeding your dog from understanding, like if it's too close to feeding time and it's too hungry to concentrate or the environment has too much going on for your dog to focus.
- Cesar Millan says affection should be given while the dog is in a calm, submisive state of mind.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Cesar Millan's formula of balance, according to Puppy Training at Home, is exercise, discipline, affection. These three things in order can make a big difference in your training success. Exercise is to keep your dog happy, healthy and alert so it can focus. According to the site, Millan says 45 minutes to an hour of walking each day is best for your pet. Discipline to enforce rules and limitations, not as punishment. Affection comes last and is earned with good behavior.
Remain Calm
Know Your Dog Commands
Rewards are Earned
The Formula