Pur Water Filtration Systems
Water from Pur water filtration systems or other filtrations systems may be the wave of the future as we all depend on clean drinking water to maintain our very existence.
With so much polluting our water supplies, with things like bacterial and chemical contaminants such as herbicides and pesticides.
This modern problem was never faced before.
In early times we never had to worry about bacterial runoff from large farms or chemical spills from industry working there way to the water tables, lakes and rivers.
Not to mention the dangers chemicals added to a lot of community water supplies.
Things like chlorine and fluorides to make the water safe from dangerous germs.
An interesting fact is most of the earth surface is covered in water, yet with all this water, less then three percent of this is fresh .
And an even smaller percentage of this is safe to drink.
Our bodies are 66% water so we are all very defendant on water in order to live.
I think it is kind of ironic that the one thing we need the most to live may be our biggest source of poisoning.
But filtration systems offer us a way to get that clean safe drinking water with out the expense of buying water at the store.
Pur water filtration systems clean the water with the use of special carbon filters that remove most chemical pollutants as well as organisms such as microbiological cysts and other microbes that can cause us to get sick.
Most water filters work great and will remove 99% of a lot of undesirable contaminants.
But like any filter they have to be changed after so many hours of use.
Failure to change your filters can result in poor tasting water that may no longer be safe to consume.
We don't just need clean water to drink but also to bathe in as your skin can absorb a lot of the chemical pollutants in water.
Some of theses chemicals are known carcinogenic compounds, increasing our risk to getting cancer or some other deadly condition.
There are many filtration systems on the market today, each having a different method of cleaning the water.
Some methods are better then others, each method offers advantages and disadvantages.
One popular method involves the use of reverse osmosis, but the down side to this method is that for every gallon of clean water you produce, you waist two gallons in the production.
Ion exchange units work well at removing a lot of minerals from the water.
But theses systems tend to get clogged up pretty fast.
I think Pur water filtration systems offer the consumers the best choice.
Were the units consist of charcoal or activated charcoal systems with micro filters , which seem to solve the problem of clean safe water.
There by doing the job of filtration more effectively over the long term.
With so much polluting our water supplies, with things like bacterial and chemical contaminants such as herbicides and pesticides.
This modern problem was never faced before.
In early times we never had to worry about bacterial runoff from large farms or chemical spills from industry working there way to the water tables, lakes and rivers.
Not to mention the dangers chemicals added to a lot of community water supplies.
Things like chlorine and fluorides to make the water safe from dangerous germs.
An interesting fact is most of the earth surface is covered in water, yet with all this water, less then three percent of this is fresh .
And an even smaller percentage of this is safe to drink.
Our bodies are 66% water so we are all very defendant on water in order to live.
I think it is kind of ironic that the one thing we need the most to live may be our biggest source of poisoning.
But filtration systems offer us a way to get that clean safe drinking water with out the expense of buying water at the store.
Pur water filtration systems clean the water with the use of special carbon filters that remove most chemical pollutants as well as organisms such as microbiological cysts and other microbes that can cause us to get sick.
Most water filters work great and will remove 99% of a lot of undesirable contaminants.
But like any filter they have to be changed after so many hours of use.
Failure to change your filters can result in poor tasting water that may no longer be safe to consume.
We don't just need clean water to drink but also to bathe in as your skin can absorb a lot of the chemical pollutants in water.
Some of theses chemicals are known carcinogenic compounds, increasing our risk to getting cancer or some other deadly condition.
There are many filtration systems on the market today, each having a different method of cleaning the water.
Some methods are better then others, each method offers advantages and disadvantages.
One popular method involves the use of reverse osmosis, but the down side to this method is that for every gallon of clean water you produce, you waist two gallons in the production.
Ion exchange units work well at removing a lot of minerals from the water.
But theses systems tend to get clogged up pretty fast.
I think Pur water filtration systems offer the consumers the best choice.
Were the units consist of charcoal or activated charcoal systems with micro filters , which seem to solve the problem of clean safe water.
There by doing the job of filtration more effectively over the long term.