Social Media Branding
Social Media Branding is where a company uses different social networking sites to brand their image and products.
Lots of big business has seen how effective social media is today and so they are using it to it full advantage.
They all understand the importance of social media and more and more are jumping on the band wagon each week.
They are setting up groups and fanpages everywhere and using them to effectively marketing to their customers.
So if the big companies are using social media branding, then why not you? We all know that social media has really taken off in the last couple of years and it looks like it is hear to stay for many years to come.
So as an internet marketing it has become even more important to brand yourself online and do it the right way.
By the end of this article you will have an understanding of what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing in order to promote your brand image.
Let's look at what you should do first.
You want people to associate you will great training, always adding value, honesty and integrity.
If you think about all the major companies that use social media branding they will all have those things in common.
Here are some of the things you should not be doing which will harm your brand image, possible beyond repair.
They wonder why they never make any money and are not enjoying the kind of success they think they should have.
Social media branding is extremely important and it could make or break your business, depending on how you use the social networking sites.
Lots of big business has seen how effective social media is today and so they are using it to it full advantage.
They all understand the importance of social media and more and more are jumping on the band wagon each week.
They are setting up groups and fanpages everywhere and using them to effectively marketing to their customers.
So if the big companies are using social media branding, then why not you? We all know that social media has really taken off in the last couple of years and it looks like it is hear to stay for many years to come.
So as an internet marketing it has become even more important to brand yourself online and do it the right way.
By the end of this article you will have an understanding of what you should be doing and what you shouldn't be doing in order to promote your brand image.
Let's look at what you should do first.
- Do setup your profile so it looks professional, with a good picture of yourself and fill out your bio, this is your billboard.
- Do setup a group and a FanPage using your name where you can send out valuable information to your followers.
- Do use your name and only your name on everything.
Remember you are branding yourself and you want people to find you. - Always lead with value and be ready to help people when they need it.
- Always remember to use your name, not your company name on everything.
Keep all you usernames as your own name.
This will really help you your own brand.
You want people to associate you will great training, always adding value, honesty and integrity.
If you think about all the major companies that use social media branding they will all have those things in common.
Here are some of the things you should not be doing which will harm your brand image, possible beyond repair.
- Don't setup your profile with a picture of you drunk or an image of a cartoon character and don't leave you bio blank.
- Don't go round pitching spamming and promoting you business opportunity to everyone, that's a sure way to get up peoples noses.
- Don't make false claims about anything, you can't fake until you make it in this industry.
- Don't take other peoples content or ideas and pass it off as your own, always give credit where it is due.
They wonder why they never make any money and are not enjoying the kind of success they think they should have.
Social media branding is extremely important and it could make or break your business, depending on how you use the social networking sites.