Chaos Warrior Attackers Guide
Chaos Warrior is an online game in playtesting that is a lot of fun.
It requires a login every day, but only really a few minutes to manage your account and get things done.
As such it is a perfect game for me to fill in a few minutes in my lunch breaks, but as with all games I play, I'm quite competitive about it.
Chaos warrior basically is about growing and warring other people.
At the moment the growing is a bit too easy, and the warring other people is a bit too hard, but hopefully this guide will help you with the warring other people bit.
Step One is finding a target.
Now assuming your kingdom is not at war with anyone, you'll want to hit for the best gains possible.
Check your ranking on the World or Island charts and sort by land.
Gains are based purely on land.
Your ideal target is going to have more land than you and lower networth.
Networth is determined by land and military.
If someone has the same amount of land and a lower networth, it means your military is superior to theirs.
The bigger the disparity the better target they make.
Step Two is getting their intel.
The first thing to do is cast Assess Enemy on them.
You may need to do this a few times to get through if they have good wizards.
Then you need to tally their defense based on the information displayed.
For your first few attacks it's handy to have the races window from the guide open, because this gives you the defensive values of their defspecs and elites.
Raw defense is easy to work out: soldiers + (defensive specialists * 3) + (elites * elite defense) There's a few things that can modify it.
For every 1% of their land that is built as forts they add 1% defense(Use your thieves to survey them to get this info).
They can also cast protection which adds 10% to their defense.
You should also spy on their generals to see if their armies are out.
If they send out soldiers or elites on an attack, then those units cannot defend their land until they get home.
Once you have worked out their defense you just need to work out what you need to send to break it.
The formula is basically the same: soldiers + (offensive specialists * 3) + (elites * elites offense) + horses This can then be modified by your battlements(1% battlements gives 2% additional offense) and generals(First general gives no bonus, each additional general gives 5% bonus).
To win you just need more offense than they have defense.
I always assume they have protection cast - and this 10% bonus gives my maths or any random factors a little margin of error too.
happy attacking(don't attack me).
It requires a login every day, but only really a few minutes to manage your account and get things done.
As such it is a perfect game for me to fill in a few minutes in my lunch breaks, but as with all games I play, I'm quite competitive about it.
Chaos warrior basically is about growing and warring other people.
At the moment the growing is a bit too easy, and the warring other people is a bit too hard, but hopefully this guide will help you with the warring other people bit.
Step One is finding a target.
Now assuming your kingdom is not at war with anyone, you'll want to hit for the best gains possible.
Check your ranking on the World or Island charts and sort by land.
Gains are based purely on land.
Your ideal target is going to have more land than you and lower networth.
Networth is determined by land and military.
If someone has the same amount of land and a lower networth, it means your military is superior to theirs.
The bigger the disparity the better target they make.
Step Two is getting their intel.
The first thing to do is cast Assess Enemy on them.
You may need to do this a few times to get through if they have good wizards.
Then you need to tally their defense based on the information displayed.
For your first few attacks it's handy to have the races window from the guide open, because this gives you the defensive values of their defspecs and elites.
Raw defense is easy to work out: soldiers + (defensive specialists * 3) + (elites * elite defense) There's a few things that can modify it.
For every 1% of their land that is built as forts they add 1% defense(Use your thieves to survey them to get this info).
They can also cast protection which adds 10% to their defense.
You should also spy on their generals to see if their armies are out.
If they send out soldiers or elites on an attack, then those units cannot defend their land until they get home.
Once you have worked out their defense you just need to work out what you need to send to break it.
The formula is basically the same: soldiers + (offensive specialists * 3) + (elites * elites offense) + horses This can then be modified by your battlements(1% battlements gives 2% additional offense) and generals(First general gives no bonus, each additional general gives 5% bonus).
To win you just need more offense than they have defense.
I always assume they have protection cast - and this 10% bonus gives my maths or any random factors a little margin of error too.
happy attacking(don't attack me).