How to Use Holistic Therapy for Canine Dysplasia
- 1). Moderate your dog's diet for the first two years. This time period is when your dog does all of his growing. Studies have shown that large dogs that ate 20 percent less food at their meals grew to slightly smaller sizes and at a slower rate without experiencing any malnutrition or hunger. This slowed rate of growth significantly lessons the odds that your dog will develop hip dysplasia later in life. Work with your vet to determine if this kind of preventative measure is right for your puppy.
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Mmmm...You'll be surprised at how much your dog will like carrots.
Make sure she gets her carrots. Carrots are rich in anti-oxidants which can promote joint health and prevent bone and cartilage deterioration. You may also wish to include fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, C and E as well as giving your dog a daily vitamin and mineral supplement. - 3). Serve him some healing "tea." You can steep comfrey, licorice and other anti-inflammatory agents in chicken broth to make your dog a tasty tea that will also ease his joint pain and can even restore cartilage. Work with your vet to make sure you do not overdose your animal or use herbal supplements in the wrong combinations.
- 4). Give her greens. Alfalfa is thought by many experts for its anti-inflammatory properties, but many dogs do not like it very much and you also should use it sparingly.
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Your dog may be so happy that she is playing with you that she will overlook some pain until she is in serious trouble.
Moderate his exercise. Dogs have trouble knowing when to "say when" and will often simply keep on playing when they should take a breather. Do not let your dog play hard or very long at one time or you risk inflaming a hip that is currently not a big problem for him. - 6). Read up on canine acupunture. Many holistic vets believe that acupuncture slows joint degeneration and increases circulation, both of which are good for dogs with joint problems.
- 7). Treat the dog with glucosamine. Glucosamine is available over the counter at many drug stores and health stores such as CVS or GNC. Glucosamine helps to lubricate joints.