Differences Between Playing Electric Drums Vs. Acoustic
- Acoustic drums are the real thing and feel that way. Despite ongoing technological advantages, electric drums can't fully replicate the same range and possibilities. It's pretty hard to play advanced snare drum rudiments on an electric set, for example.
- One of the advantages in electric drums is the wide range of sounds available---a typical set will come with hundreds of possibilities. Acoustic drums (and cymbals) just have their own sound, but are more dynamic. For example, it's possible to use brushes and mallets with acoustic, but not electric, drums.
- Acoustic drums make a lot of noise. Because of that, it is sometimes hard to practice. Electric sets can be played with headphones, enabling you to practice any place at any time.
- With acoustic drums, it is easy to play with other people. Because they are loud they often will not need to be amplified. Electric drums will need a good amplifier and a source of electricity.
- Because of the range of samples available, it's possible to play electric drums and have them sound like a drum machine. This is great for making beats or for electronica and urban music. Acoustic drums can't do that.