Is Your Ex Leading You On? Here Are 3 Tell-Tale Signs
Ok, so a common question I get asked is how easy is it to tell if your ex is leading you on? This is a really, really touchy question to answer, especially if you're answering face to face! However the purpose of this article is to let you know the 3 key signs that your ex could be leading you on.
I must stress the word "could" because all relationships are different and all people are different.
However, if I was in your position and I spotted all 3 of these signs, I would be getting pretty suspicious my ex was doing the dirty on me.
It's horrible isn't it? You go through the horrible emotional breakup, and just when you think your life is going to change forever and you'll never see your ex in the same way, it kind of, doesn't.
In fact, things stay basically the same.
You're still seeing your ex, or are in regular contact, and they're acting like everything is normal, but it isn't! Believe me when I say this, this is actually a very common scenario.
One of my girl friends (that's friends!) was in this exact same scenario.
Her and her ex-boyfriend broke up, yet he still acted like they were together.
However the worst thing, was that he had taken down his relationship status on Facebook, telling the world he was single, yet telling my mate that things were still good and that he still loved her.
Eh? Why go to the trouble of breaking up and saying to world "I'm back on the market" if you still loved someone? There were possibly many reasons why he did this.
One was that he was just using her until something better came along, or 2, was simply just stringing her along.
By the way, they are not together anymore! One of the most surefire ways that your ex is leading you on, is that this are still in close contact with you even if they are seeing someone else.
You see, they may well know that they held most of the power in the relationship and they know how much they meant to you.
They could be doing this simply to "keep their options open" or, worse, to stop you from moving on.
You see, we humans are selfish beings.
We want to have our cake and eat it.
Your ex may just want you to keep loving them to boost their own ego, even if they have no intention of getting back with you.
Another surefire way to tell if your ex is leading you on is if they only want to see you to "get physical" yet do not want to talk about getting back to together properly.
Often a lot of guys can be guilty of doing this.
If you are only seeing your ex for brief periods of time that involve intimacy, then something could be up.
If you value yourself and have any sort of self-worth, you won't let yourself be taken for a ride like this.
Make sure you let yourself known that you are not just a toy that can be brought out whenever it suits them.
Also, if it seems like you are doing most of the running in the efforts to get back with your ex, and all they do is say things rather than actually follow through on what they say, this could be them leading you on.
Sometimes, you may have a situation where your ex may say they still love you, but when it comes down to it, they never want to hang out with you and truly be with you.
Talk is cheap, and if your ex isn't backing up what they say, they may just be trying to keep you on the hook line for when they need their ego's stroking.
If you want to know exactly how to make your ex fall deeply in love with you again and make them desperate for your attention, listen up.
I must stress the word "could" because all relationships are different and all people are different.
However, if I was in your position and I spotted all 3 of these signs, I would be getting pretty suspicious my ex was doing the dirty on me.
It's horrible isn't it? You go through the horrible emotional breakup, and just when you think your life is going to change forever and you'll never see your ex in the same way, it kind of, doesn't.
In fact, things stay basically the same.
You're still seeing your ex, or are in regular contact, and they're acting like everything is normal, but it isn't! Believe me when I say this, this is actually a very common scenario.
One of my girl friends (that's friends!) was in this exact same scenario.
Her and her ex-boyfriend broke up, yet he still acted like they were together.
However the worst thing, was that he had taken down his relationship status on Facebook, telling the world he was single, yet telling my mate that things were still good and that he still loved her.
Eh? Why go to the trouble of breaking up and saying to world "I'm back on the market" if you still loved someone? There were possibly many reasons why he did this.
One was that he was just using her until something better came along, or 2, was simply just stringing her along.
By the way, they are not together anymore! One of the most surefire ways that your ex is leading you on, is that this are still in close contact with you even if they are seeing someone else.
You see, they may well know that they held most of the power in the relationship and they know how much they meant to you.
They could be doing this simply to "keep their options open" or, worse, to stop you from moving on.
You see, we humans are selfish beings.
We want to have our cake and eat it.
Your ex may just want you to keep loving them to boost their own ego, even if they have no intention of getting back with you.
Another surefire way to tell if your ex is leading you on is if they only want to see you to "get physical" yet do not want to talk about getting back to together properly.
Often a lot of guys can be guilty of doing this.
If you are only seeing your ex for brief periods of time that involve intimacy, then something could be up.
If you value yourself and have any sort of self-worth, you won't let yourself be taken for a ride like this.
Make sure you let yourself known that you are not just a toy that can be brought out whenever it suits them.
Also, if it seems like you are doing most of the running in the efforts to get back with your ex, and all they do is say things rather than actually follow through on what they say, this could be them leading you on.
Sometimes, you may have a situation where your ex may say they still love you, but when it comes down to it, they never want to hang out with you and truly be with you.
Talk is cheap, and if your ex isn't backing up what they say, they may just be trying to keep you on the hook line for when they need their ego's stroking.
If you want to know exactly how to make your ex fall deeply in love with you again and make them desperate for your attention, listen up.