Mail Box Placement Regulations
- U.S. Post Office regulations govern the placement of mail boxes.mail box image by Joelyn Pullano from
The U.S. Postal Service traces its history back more than 235 years when Benjamin Franklin was selected as the first postmaster general. According to the U.S. Postal Service, its primary mission is the secure, affordable and efficient delivery of mail to every resident of the United States. Postal regulations govern how that mission is accomplished, including the proper placement of mail boxes. - Residential customers receive curbside mail delivery provided an appropriate mail box is available. U.S. Post Office regulations require curbside mailboxes to be installed with the bottom of the mail box between 41 and 45 inches above the surface of the road. The forward edge of the mail box should be set back 6 to 8 inches from the edge of the road. Exceptions may be made by the local postmaster if road or curb conditions make this specification impossible. Mail boxes must be situated on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of the mail carrier's travel.
- The U.S. Postal Service does not mandate the type or construction of mail box supports, beyond the need for the access and safety of the mail carrier. According to U.S. Post Office regulations it is the individual's responsibility to maintain the support posts for curbside mail boxes. Posts and supports must be of adequate size and strength to support the mail box. They should also be constructed in such a way as to fall away or bend in the event that they are struck by a vehicle. It is also the responsibility of the individual to provide the mail carrier with a clear and safe pathway to the mail box.
- U. S. Postal Service regulations permit homeowners to construct a custom curbside mail box, provided that the dimensions, materials, flag and size generally conform to the same standards required of approved manufacturers. Local postmasters are given the authority to approve custom-made mail boxes. Local homeowners are responsible for obtaining the approval from the local postmaster. The supporting post or support for custom made mail boxes is not governed by U.S. Postal Service regulations, but may be restricted by local codes, laws or regulations.
Custom Mail Boxes