How to Achieve Wavy Hair
- 1). Wash and condition your hair thoroughly to get rid of any oil buildup or product residue.
- 2). Towel dry your hair until it is slightly damp. Use the comb to part your hair directly down the center, starting between your eyebrows and extending past the crown of your head down to the nape of your neck. This will split your hair into two sections.
- 3). Spray your hair with the curl boosting spray. Work the product through your hair from your roots to the tips.
- 4). Gather one of the two sections of hair and braid it. Note that a tight braid will result in tighter waves and a loose braid will result in softer, looser waves. Secure the braid using a hair tie.
- 5). Repeat with the second section of hair.
- 6). Spray a light coat of hairspray across your entire head. Allow all of your hair to dry before removing the hair ties.
- 7). Take the hair ties out of your hair. Shake your head gently from side to side and comb your fingers through your hair to separate the waves. Spray a heavy coat of hairspray across all of your hair to hold the waves in place.