Migraine Definition
- Although the exact cause of migraines is unknown, certain factors seem to trigger them in certain people. Estrogen fluctuations can set off migraines in some women, especially around the beginnings and ends of their menstrual cycles. Certain foods that contain caffeine, such as chocolate and coffee, and sensory stimuli like sun glare are also common migraine triggers. And, like regular headaches, stress is a high on the list of causes.
- A migraine headache is different from a normal headache in the fact that migraine pain is classified as a throbbing or pulsating pain, usually intensified by movement. The pain is so severe that it interferes with daily activity and can cause the sufferer to be extremely sensitive to light and sound. A migraine headache typically starts on one side of the head, gradually spreading and building in intensity over a period of one or two hours before slowly subsiding.
- Most people will not see their doctors in the case of migraines, unless they become so frequent they are interfering with daily living or seem unusual in the level of severity or sudden onset. In this case, a doctor may perform a variety of tests in order to rule out other possible causes, such as neurological and cerebrovascular conditions. Tests may include an MRI to study your brain or a spinal tap to search for an underlying medical condition, such as meningitis.
- Two types of treatment are available for migraines, pain-relieving and preventive. The type of medication you take depends upon the frequency and severity of your migraines, along with how debilitating they are to your daily life. If the occasional migraine is your problem, then taking a pain-reliever as soon as symptoms appear may help to minimize the discomfort. If your migraines are chronic, a preventive medication prescribed by your doctor may help to reduce the severity and frequency of them.
- Although no one really knows what specifically causes a migraine, there do seem to be some triggers that can make them more likely. Avoiding these triggers may help in minimizing the number of migraines you experience. Regular exercise can also be beneficial, not only to your overall health but to relieve stress and tension that may be factors in starting your head throbbing. Semi-predictable pain, such as menstrual migraines for women, can be minimized by taking pain medication before they happen.