Texas Togetherness, Obama-Style
In "Grease," Danny and Sandy memorably sang, "We go together like rama lama lama ke ding a de dinga a dong remembered for ever like shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom."
Rama lamas, ke dings, shoo bops, and boom de booms aside, our president has a radically different view of what most Americans believe "going together" and "togetherness" mean. His view is that they mean going and being together on the surface until the next election and in the interim he's into anything but true inclusiveness.
Central to the prospects of four more years of Obamian divisiveness, race-baiting, economic stagflation, socializing health care, et al. is the administration's linkage of those groups he must cajole and pay off. All others can go to hell.
His prime constituencies, misguided whites who will again vote for Obama in repentance for white guilt, naive blacks who would vote for him en masse even if he were to profess membership in Al-qaeda, gays who have gotten virtually all they have demanded and want even more, and the millions of hispanics who especially like him because he hates us gringos as much as they do.
Nowhere has Obama's obsequious catering to the hispanic vote been more blatant than in his southern border policy, or lack thereof.
Janet Napolitano's TSA got a temporary Texan comeuppance to its insane airport security pat-down policies which this week incorporated a diaper wrinkle as TSA agents literally sniffed into an infant's nappy in search of a bomb. Late Thursday, the Texas House passed a bill that would make "inappropriate" touching of a traveller's "anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast," including through clothing, a criminal act. No mention was made of diapers.
No mention of any of that touching is necessary with regard to America's borders which Big Bro Obama and Big Sis Napolitano contend are as secure as the White House grounds. well, maybe not that secure but certainly as secure as New York City, well, maybe not that secure either but very secure, really.
Our president has more on his mind than borders, anyway. His "kinetic action," which used to be called war, in Libya is a continuing headache. Carbon emissions may carbonize the planet in a century or so, or may not, perturbs him. He still hopes to fully implement a health care plan which few people want. And then there's Michelle's terror of childhood obesity which could result in fat adults and somehow thereby endanger our national security!
But, borders? Nah, no sweat.
To demonstrate his lack of concern, and to further solidify his standing with hispanics, legal and not, citizens and squatters alike, Obama went south last Monday to pay a visit to our side of the Mexican border at El Paso.
Fearful that his trip might be misinterpreted as an expression of interest in legal Americans being subjected to the murders and general mass mayhem visited upon them daily by invading forces from the south, Obama made sure to roundly ridicule those issues, those legal Americans, and the absurdity of the idea of erecting a fence to protect them and their property.
Standing safely under Secret Service guard, the president joked, "You know, they said 'we needed to triple the border patrol.' Well, now they're going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied."
Yuk, yuk, guffaw, guffaw, what a hoot! Maybe toss some piranhas in the moat with those gators!
Who writes this guy's lines? The Mexican drug cartels? Mexican Presidente Felipe de Jess Caldern Hinojosa? That one was almost as uproarious as his making fun of Special Olympics kids on Leno.
DHS Sec. Napolitano has been touting recent border successes which one observer points out is far more attributable to illegals discouraged by America's miserable economy and opting to risk murder in Mexico rather than risky life in America than by any improved security. He adds, "In fiscal year 2009, compared with 2008, administrative arrests of illegal workers fell 68 percent, criminal arrests fell 60 percent, criminal indictments fell 58 percent, and criminal convictions fell 63 percent."
It's all good, though, for Obama.
Cartel leaders, Caldern, and every illegal alien this side of Canada must have laughed themselves silly over the president reducing to a joke a dire threat to America's security and territorial integrity. (For information on MEChA, the "Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan," and other separatist movements, see http://bit.ly/jj42Kl)
No matter. All of the above is of no consequence. The main thing to remember is that Obama is bringing us together, even if the antecedent of "us" doesn't refer to anyone who didn't vote for him in 2008 or isn't planning to vote for him next year. Just sing along with Sandy and Danny,
We go together like
rama lama lama
ke ding a de dinga a dong
remembered for ever like
shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom
(See all sources at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4454)
Rama lamas, ke dings, shoo bops, and boom de booms aside, our president has a radically different view of what most Americans believe "going together" and "togetherness" mean. His view is that they mean going and being together on the surface until the next election and in the interim he's into anything but true inclusiveness.
Central to the prospects of four more years of Obamian divisiveness, race-baiting, economic stagflation, socializing health care, et al. is the administration's linkage of those groups he must cajole and pay off. All others can go to hell.
His prime constituencies, misguided whites who will again vote for Obama in repentance for white guilt, naive blacks who would vote for him en masse even if he were to profess membership in Al-qaeda, gays who have gotten virtually all they have demanded and want even more, and the millions of hispanics who especially like him because he hates us gringos as much as they do.
Nowhere has Obama's obsequious catering to the hispanic vote been more blatant than in his southern border policy, or lack thereof.
Janet Napolitano's TSA got a temporary Texan comeuppance to its insane airport security pat-down policies which this week incorporated a diaper wrinkle as TSA agents literally sniffed into an infant's nappy in search of a bomb. Late Thursday, the Texas House passed a bill that would make "inappropriate" touching of a traveller's "anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast," including through clothing, a criminal act. No mention was made of diapers.
No mention of any of that touching is necessary with regard to America's borders which Big Bro Obama and Big Sis Napolitano contend are as secure as the White House grounds. well, maybe not that secure but certainly as secure as New York City, well, maybe not that secure either but very secure, really.
Our president has more on his mind than borders, anyway. His "kinetic action," which used to be called war, in Libya is a continuing headache. Carbon emissions may carbonize the planet in a century or so, or may not, perturbs him. He still hopes to fully implement a health care plan which few people want. And then there's Michelle's terror of childhood obesity which could result in fat adults and somehow thereby endanger our national security!
But, borders? Nah, no sweat.
To demonstrate his lack of concern, and to further solidify his standing with hispanics, legal and not, citizens and squatters alike, Obama went south last Monday to pay a visit to our side of the Mexican border at El Paso.
Fearful that his trip might be misinterpreted as an expression of interest in legal Americans being subjected to the murders and general mass mayhem visited upon them daily by invading forces from the south, Obama made sure to roundly ridicule those issues, those legal Americans, and the absurdity of the idea of erecting a fence to protect them and their property.
Standing safely under Secret Service guard, the president joked, "You know, they said 'we needed to triple the border patrol.' Well, now they're going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied."
Yuk, yuk, guffaw, guffaw, what a hoot! Maybe toss some piranhas in the moat with those gators!
Who writes this guy's lines? The Mexican drug cartels? Mexican Presidente Felipe de Jess Caldern Hinojosa? That one was almost as uproarious as his making fun of Special Olympics kids on Leno.
DHS Sec. Napolitano has been touting recent border successes which one observer points out is far more attributable to illegals discouraged by America's miserable economy and opting to risk murder in Mexico rather than risky life in America than by any improved security. He adds, "In fiscal year 2009, compared with 2008, administrative arrests of illegal workers fell 68 percent, criminal arrests fell 60 percent, criminal indictments fell 58 percent, and criminal convictions fell 63 percent."
It's all good, though, for Obama.
Cartel leaders, Caldern, and every illegal alien this side of Canada must have laughed themselves silly over the president reducing to a joke a dire threat to America's security and territorial integrity. (For information on MEChA, the "Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan," and other separatist movements, see http://bit.ly/jj42Kl)
No matter. All of the above is of no consequence. The main thing to remember is that Obama is bringing us together, even if the antecedent of "us" doesn't refer to anyone who didn't vote for him in 2008 or isn't planning to vote for him next year. Just sing along with Sandy and Danny,
We go together like
rama lama lama
ke ding a de dinga a dong
remembered for ever like
shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom
(See all sources at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4454)