Reiki Level 1: Self Healing Manual
With so many healing modalities, how do you choose? The purpose of one particular healing modality is to uplift our spirit, heal our body, soothe our mind, and clear out the negative un-serving emotions. Technically defined, €Reiki€ Is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. €Rei€ is universal, transcendental spirit, mysterious power, essence. €Ki€ is described as the vital life force energy. Reiki goes back to ancient times. It is a portal to walk deeper into our inner heart - wisdom!
Why chose Reiki as my healing modality?
Reiki is a wonderful, unique, profound and safe technique for activating and amplifying the natural life force energy within you. It is a precise way of using light-energy to restore and balance your own vital energy. It is an exact, subtle tool for personal transformation as it connects with your inner self-your Spirit. It assists the body's energy and ability to heal by raising your energy field/vibratory life force and calming your mind. As Reiki brings in deeper peace and relaxation, stress dissipates. Peace is the gateway to increased wellness and profound healing.
No excuses. Reiki can be practiced anywhere and at any time.
Tune into Reiki while doing chores, studying, sitting in traffic or any situation. In bureaucratic dealings, in court or DMV, Reiki can be sent to the four corners of the room, for the highest good of the situation. Mail can be blessed before opening or sending by placing in between your palms. You may project the energy during phone calls with customer service to ensure a prosperous outcome. Even in meetings, if you are called to calm anyone, send Reiki to them. When your solar plexus or any chakra needs energizing, discreetly rest your palms there and secretly bliss out! Wherever you go, Reiki is with you!
Q. I suffer from tension headaches, what can I do to get some relief with Reiki?
Worrying about negative outcomes can seem very real. Be aware of your feelings. Are they life affirming or tension starters? Choose statements that reflect where you see and feel yourself being. Focus on the nourishing thoughts. The Reiki 5 Precepts are also a tool for advancement into states of deeper awareness. Just For today€¦I am peaceful; I have faith and trust in the Divine Process; I am grateful; I do my work honestly; I have compassion and kindness for all living beings, including myself.
Do These Exercises Daily:
Begin breathing deeply, envisioning each heavy thought being released into the hands of Divine Cosmic Love. Bless these thoughts and accompanying feelings as they leave your system. Into the void you have now created, place the ideas, thoughts and heart-felt visions that bring ease and peace into your body. Place your palms horizontally at the bottom of your ribcage, "Solar Plexus€ area, with the middle fingers touching. This helps to balance your nervous system. You are able to release fears, chronic complaining, any anger towards your feelings of financial lack and feeling overwhelmed. Your personal power begins to strongly improve along with your self-determination. Feel yourself gaining greater clarity and that you can focus on what is working in your life. You can envision your life through an empowered Self and feel better about your life. Appreciating what already IS, places you in the present moment. This is the point of all creation. When you apply the Self Healing positions, the tranquility you tap into carries over into your day. You are better able to recognize negative thoughts and habits. This allows you to change your belief patterns. On a spiritual level, this Self-Treatment posture allows you to receive the peace that transcends all understanding and brings in higher energies.
Q. I just went through a dreadful divorce. I need to get my life back on track. Should I use Reiki?
"Any type of breakup leaves wounds to the heart and psyche. Reiki helps elevate your vibration so you can begin feeling worthy and deserving of a life well lived in joy- Truly! As you begin to heal, raise your self esteem and confidence, your attitude will reflect that. You will begin to draw like-minded people and life supportive situations into your life. Feed yourself love and re-gain control of your life- a life that is filled with bounty, beauty and bliss. You will even move into non-reactive states of being more often and be less likely to react negatively to difficult situations. You can begin to achieve this by simply placing your palms over your heart center. A calm heart communicates signals to your brain and the proper chemistry is released into your body.
Do These Exercises Daily:
1. Place your palms angled or horizontal over your lungs/heart.
2. Breathe deeply. Feel your heart beat. Feel connected to the heartbeat of the Earth. Feel in tune with the cosmic heart and mind.
Physically, you are balancing your heart, thymus gland, immune system and circulation. Mentally, you are giving, receiving and accepting love and nurturance with compassion, kindness and joy. Spiritually, you are freely creating, expressing, and living Divine qualities of love, joy and bliss.
3. Verbalize: €I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful. I am THAT, I am.€
4. Breathe and SIMPLY BE with the Reiki energy!
5. Hold the position for 3 minutes or more.
6. Slowly disengage by inhaling deeply and holding for a few seconds.
You are now re-entering the world being renewed! Blessed be you!
Disclaimer: This does not constitute as medical advice. Consult your physician for any and all medical advice.
Why chose Reiki as my healing modality?
Reiki is a wonderful, unique, profound and safe technique for activating and amplifying the natural life force energy within you. It is a precise way of using light-energy to restore and balance your own vital energy. It is an exact, subtle tool for personal transformation as it connects with your inner self-your Spirit. It assists the body's energy and ability to heal by raising your energy field/vibratory life force and calming your mind. As Reiki brings in deeper peace and relaxation, stress dissipates. Peace is the gateway to increased wellness and profound healing.
No excuses. Reiki can be practiced anywhere and at any time.
Tune into Reiki while doing chores, studying, sitting in traffic or any situation. In bureaucratic dealings, in court or DMV, Reiki can be sent to the four corners of the room, for the highest good of the situation. Mail can be blessed before opening or sending by placing in between your palms. You may project the energy during phone calls with customer service to ensure a prosperous outcome. Even in meetings, if you are called to calm anyone, send Reiki to them. When your solar plexus or any chakra needs energizing, discreetly rest your palms there and secretly bliss out! Wherever you go, Reiki is with you!
Q. I suffer from tension headaches, what can I do to get some relief with Reiki?
Worrying about negative outcomes can seem very real. Be aware of your feelings. Are they life affirming or tension starters? Choose statements that reflect where you see and feel yourself being. Focus on the nourishing thoughts. The Reiki 5 Precepts are also a tool for advancement into states of deeper awareness. Just For today€¦I am peaceful; I have faith and trust in the Divine Process; I am grateful; I do my work honestly; I have compassion and kindness for all living beings, including myself.
Do These Exercises Daily:
Begin breathing deeply, envisioning each heavy thought being released into the hands of Divine Cosmic Love. Bless these thoughts and accompanying feelings as they leave your system. Into the void you have now created, place the ideas, thoughts and heart-felt visions that bring ease and peace into your body. Place your palms horizontally at the bottom of your ribcage, "Solar Plexus€ area, with the middle fingers touching. This helps to balance your nervous system. You are able to release fears, chronic complaining, any anger towards your feelings of financial lack and feeling overwhelmed. Your personal power begins to strongly improve along with your self-determination. Feel yourself gaining greater clarity and that you can focus on what is working in your life. You can envision your life through an empowered Self and feel better about your life. Appreciating what already IS, places you in the present moment. This is the point of all creation. When you apply the Self Healing positions, the tranquility you tap into carries over into your day. You are better able to recognize negative thoughts and habits. This allows you to change your belief patterns. On a spiritual level, this Self-Treatment posture allows you to receive the peace that transcends all understanding and brings in higher energies.
Q. I just went through a dreadful divorce. I need to get my life back on track. Should I use Reiki?
"Any type of breakup leaves wounds to the heart and psyche. Reiki helps elevate your vibration so you can begin feeling worthy and deserving of a life well lived in joy- Truly! As you begin to heal, raise your self esteem and confidence, your attitude will reflect that. You will begin to draw like-minded people and life supportive situations into your life. Feed yourself love and re-gain control of your life- a life that is filled with bounty, beauty and bliss. You will even move into non-reactive states of being more often and be less likely to react negatively to difficult situations. You can begin to achieve this by simply placing your palms over your heart center. A calm heart communicates signals to your brain and the proper chemistry is released into your body.
Do These Exercises Daily:
1. Place your palms angled or horizontal over your lungs/heart.
2. Breathe deeply. Feel your heart beat. Feel connected to the heartbeat of the Earth. Feel in tune with the cosmic heart and mind.
Physically, you are balancing your heart, thymus gland, immune system and circulation. Mentally, you are giving, receiving and accepting love and nurturance with compassion, kindness and joy. Spiritually, you are freely creating, expressing, and living Divine qualities of love, joy and bliss.
3. Verbalize: €I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful. I am THAT, I am.€
4. Breathe and SIMPLY BE with the Reiki energy!
5. Hold the position for 3 minutes or more.
6. Slowly disengage by inhaling deeply and holding for a few seconds.
You are now re-entering the world being renewed! Blessed be you!
Disclaimer: This does not constitute as medical advice. Consult your physician for any and all medical advice.