Is Poverty Reduction Possible Without Educational Charity?
If charity services by governments of the world, corporate development partners, faith and non profit making organizations, to the poor populations of the world are intended to achieve a significant reduction or total eradication of poverty and its associated effects, then educational charity is a pivotal factor and the key to success in the global effort to halve the poor populations of the world, or totally eradicate hunger, poverty and disease.
As a matter of fact, rendering charity to the poor populations of the world without recourse to educational charity is like passing the head of the Carmel through the eye of the needle.
There is concrete evidence that the primary cause of hunger and disease is poverty.
But the primary cause of poverty is illiteracy and ignorance or total lack of awareness.
You can also say that poverty is the total lack of the skill and required knowledge package that will be enough to empower a person to have access to a minimum decent living without reliance or dependence on external aid.
The direct implication of this is that unless one is empowered with the necessary skills and knowledge, he or she cannot escape poverty, disease and hunger.
So education is a necessary condition for poverty reduction or for total eradication of poverty.
It means that it doesn't matter whatever efforts and resources expended on the global fight against these three challenges, nothing will be achieved if educational charity is not given the required attention as it should.
Lets us look at this example.
It doesn't matter how you keep supplying food to a poor rural woman or youth, he or she will still remain poor, and hunger, poverty and disease will always continue to hunt him or her in your absence.
However, the moment you empower the poor rural woman or youth to create better condition for herself or himself, then you have completely eradicated poverty and put a final stop to the threats of hunger and disease.
Hence all that is needed is to equip the poor and the underprivileged populations with the necessary life skills and knowledge packages needed to create a minimum decent living, through appropriate educational curriculum that addresses their very problems.
The cheapest way to accomplish this with a commensurate result is through educational charity.
This goes again to illustrate the role and place of educational charity in poverty reduction, among every other poverty reduction strategy or model.
We can't do without it if we really mean to save the poor from the threats of hunger, poverty and disease.
As a matter of fact, rendering charity to the poor populations of the world without recourse to educational charity is like passing the head of the Carmel through the eye of the needle.
There is concrete evidence that the primary cause of hunger and disease is poverty.
But the primary cause of poverty is illiteracy and ignorance or total lack of awareness.
You can also say that poverty is the total lack of the skill and required knowledge package that will be enough to empower a person to have access to a minimum decent living without reliance or dependence on external aid.
The direct implication of this is that unless one is empowered with the necessary skills and knowledge, he or she cannot escape poverty, disease and hunger.
So education is a necessary condition for poverty reduction or for total eradication of poverty.
It means that it doesn't matter whatever efforts and resources expended on the global fight against these three challenges, nothing will be achieved if educational charity is not given the required attention as it should.
Lets us look at this example.
It doesn't matter how you keep supplying food to a poor rural woman or youth, he or she will still remain poor, and hunger, poverty and disease will always continue to hunt him or her in your absence.
However, the moment you empower the poor rural woman or youth to create better condition for herself or himself, then you have completely eradicated poverty and put a final stop to the threats of hunger and disease.
Hence all that is needed is to equip the poor and the underprivileged populations with the necessary life skills and knowledge packages needed to create a minimum decent living, through appropriate educational curriculum that addresses their very problems.
The cheapest way to accomplish this with a commensurate result is through educational charity.
This goes again to illustrate the role and place of educational charity in poverty reduction, among every other poverty reduction strategy or model.
We can't do without it if we really mean to save the poor from the threats of hunger, poverty and disease.