Rehearsal Report Form
Want to keep track of your rehearsal experiences and how they're going? There are a variety of forms and tables that can be of real use when running a group or production.
One of the most usful scenarios for printing and filing among your typical theatre forms is the rehearsal process. Meet the Rehearsal Report, a useful new form I've designed and updated with the most popular layout and features for performing arts administration, and that will help you keep track of your rehearsal experiences and successes.
The form, printable or able to be saved in PDF, will also enable you to identify potential issues or patterns (such as lateness) before they begin to affect the process.
Which forms tend to be most useful to you when managing your group or venue? Share your experiences in our comments!
One of the most usful scenarios for printing and filing among your typical theatre forms is the rehearsal process. Meet the Rehearsal Report, a useful new form I've designed and updated with the most popular layout and features for performing arts administration, and that will help you keep track of your rehearsal experiences and successes.
The form, printable or able to be saved in PDF, will also enable you to identify potential issues or patterns (such as lateness) before they begin to affect the process.
Which forms tend to be most useful to you when managing your group or venue? Share your experiences in our comments!