Video: Bananas & Rehydration
Video Transcript
Hey everybody, this is Mareya with, and I'm going to talk to you today about bananas and rehydration. Now for all of us fit foodies who love to be active. You are outside doing your sports it's really important to make sure that you are always staying really hydrated. Number one, hydration helps to fuel your body. So often we kind of confuse being tired or being over fatigued with just not having enough hydration, not having enough water in your body. So for good performance it's really critical. Especially for the young guys out there, the kids that are playing sports, their smaller bodies have the ability to dehydrate even faster. So if you've got kids that are doing sports really, really important. Today I want to talk to you about rehydration with bananas. But I'm also going to combine one of my favorite things which is coconut water. Now one serving of coconut water is the equivalent of two bananas in terms of rehydration. What we are talking about here is replacing potassium and other salts and minerals in your body that go away basically when you sweat and you exercise. So we are going to replenish you. Give you the energy that you need but do it in a way that's clean. None of these junky energy drinks you don't need them alright. So let me show you how easy it is. I've got my Vitamix here my trusty steed. And I'm going to combine a banana, a little bit of coconut water and some ice. It couldn't be easier. But by doing this you are getting great flavor because often times why do we reach for an energy drink. It's really because it tastes maybe better then water. But by combining these flavors you've got the same thing that's so much better for you. And so much less sugar, no artificial colors, preservatives or flavors. And that's another thing that's really important when it comes to hydration. You don't want to put that load on your body. So I've got my Vita Coco and this particular coconut water has an orange flavor. So I'm combining the orange, the coconut and the banana. It's like a tropical fruit bowl here. And then I'm just going to add some ice to it just to give it a little extra refreshment like my drink's nice and cold. And then put the top on, make sure it's on tight so it doesn't explode. Okay look at that frothy, yummy, so good. And I just combined the Vita Coco orange coconut water with a banana. I mean some ice that was it. Now you've got three lovely tropical flavors that come together. And that my friends is pure refreshment in a glass. So good I feel like I'm on an island right now. I'm Mareya with I hope you try my rehydration tips, and I will see you very soon.