How Is Caffeine Extract Linked To Hallucinations?
Individuals experiencing fits of hallucination should examine if his diet is mostly composed of caffeine extract. According to a study, those who consume large amounts of this substance through food and drinks like coffee, tea, soda and chocolates have a higher risk of having an overly-active imagination. Such troubled individual may claim to have encountered things that are not really there. It was mentioned in the research that in order to experience such a queer condition, consumption should be at least seven cups of coffee on a daily basis. This is three times as much compared to an individual who do not regularly consume any form of caffeine. Taking note of these observations, it is no wonder why caffeine extract is regarded as the most popular drug since it is commonly used as an ingredient in a variety of food and drinks.
The said research was composed of 200 young test subjects who were all interviewed regarding their intake of products containing caffeine extract. Each individual relayed their experiences on seeing, hearing or sensing things that may seem to be imaginary. It was concluded that caffeine extract is capable of increasing the stress levels of the body. When such stressed-out state is attained, the body's natural tendency is to release a hormone called cortisol. The effect of increased stress and large production of cortisol is said to be the primary cause for hallucinations.
These experiments showed that individuals who consumed more caffeine extract were more prone to hallucinations. It was noted that further consumption of additional caffeine may be due to an individual's way of dealing with stress, thus, aggravating the stress levels all the more. It was also said that experiencing any type of hallucination does not automatically indicate any mental issue. As a matter of fact, a large percentage of affected individuals are leading normal lives.
The results of these studies prove to be beneficial in a greater understanding of the relationship between nutrition and hallucinations. It should also be kept in mind that consumption of mass quantities of caffeine powder can also lead to intoxication. Modifying an individual's diet and restricting their intake of caffeine extract can considerably improve an individual's battle against unnecessary hallucinations and a string of other undesirable conditions. Make it a conscious effort to strictly consume less than 250 milligrams of caffeine per day to avoid these side effects.
The said research was composed of 200 young test subjects who were all interviewed regarding their intake of products containing caffeine extract. Each individual relayed their experiences on seeing, hearing or sensing things that may seem to be imaginary. It was concluded that caffeine extract is capable of increasing the stress levels of the body. When such stressed-out state is attained, the body's natural tendency is to release a hormone called cortisol. The effect of increased stress and large production of cortisol is said to be the primary cause for hallucinations.
These experiments showed that individuals who consumed more caffeine extract were more prone to hallucinations. It was noted that further consumption of additional caffeine may be due to an individual's way of dealing with stress, thus, aggravating the stress levels all the more. It was also said that experiencing any type of hallucination does not automatically indicate any mental issue. As a matter of fact, a large percentage of affected individuals are leading normal lives.
The results of these studies prove to be beneficial in a greater understanding of the relationship between nutrition and hallucinations. It should also be kept in mind that consumption of mass quantities of caffeine powder can also lead to intoxication. Modifying an individual's diet and restricting their intake of caffeine extract can considerably improve an individual's battle against unnecessary hallucinations and a string of other undesirable conditions. Make it a conscious effort to strictly consume less than 250 milligrams of caffeine per day to avoid these side effects.