Part II-"Pacific Flavour":How different fate between Japan Fukushima and Russia Chernobyl
"Process-structure" theory, shape like circle, holds together a web of "dynamic circles" creating an overall momentum and direction, like a rotini, made up of multidirectional internal patterns that create a common overall movement. Taking "Fukushima 1" Nuclear Plant Disaster 2011 as window, activity includes an understanding of structure of the conflict, i.e. history, development, crises, "paradox", "controversy", in order to get the whole picture. There are processes for addressing immediate problems, e.g. March 2011 "magnitude 9 earthquake, tsunami", Fukushima disaster; a vision for future; and a plan for change processes which moves in right direction. Those are rescue, "evacuation", technology and equipment, regulatory policy improvement, investigation, censorship on agricultural and fishery products, distributing "piles of potassium ioidoxide", plants shut down, suspend & postpone nuclear development, rise of "renewable energy", as possible as to generate processes that, create solutions to short-term needs meanwhile work on strategic, long-term, constructive change in systems and relationships. Let's see the process :
In 1954, Japan budgeted 230 million yen for nuclear energy, marking the beginning of her nuclear policy. The "Atomic Energy Basic Law" limited activities to only "peaceful purposes". The first "nuclear reactor" in Japan was built by the "UK's GEC". In the 1970s the first "Light Water Reactors" were built in cooperation with American companies, such as General Electric or "Westinghouse" with contractual work done by Japanese big companies and institutes. Also big users they are, later get a license themselves to build similar plant designs. Robert Jay Lifton has asked "how Japan, after its experience with the "atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki", could allow itself to draw so heavily on the same nuclear technology for the manufacture of about a third of its energy".
He says: "There was resistance, but there was also a pattern of denial, cover-up and "cozy bureaucratic collusion" between industry and government, the last especially "notorious" in Japan. The pro-nuclear power forces could prevail by managing to instill in the minds of Japanese people a view between nuclear power and nuclear weapons, an illusory distinction made not only in Japan but throughout the world. Nuclear accidents cover-ups that eroded public perception of the industry, resulting in protests and "resistance to new plants". They were Tokaimura nuclear accident, the Mihama steam explosion, accidents at the Monju reactor, recent ChÅ«etsu offshore earthquake aftermath. Finally protests resulted in canceled plant orders : The Maki NPP at Maki, Niigata (Kambara) in 2003; The Kushima NPP at Kushima, Miyazaki in 1997; The Ashihama NPP at Ashihama, Mie in 2000; The HÅhoku NPP at HÅhoku, Yamaguchi in 1994; Suzu NPP at Suzu, Ishikawa 2003. Such relationship inspires us paradoxical government at diplomacy, confront to her controversy people.
"Nested Theory" of Conflict of Maire Dugan, shape like oval, that is a mechanism, i.e, inner to outer circles -issue, relationship, subsystem, system respectively, for considering both the narrower and the broader aspects of "conflict resolution and peace building", not only a particular issue to be resolved but also a relationship needed to be addressed. A question asks : Is it nuclear, kind of "Weapon or Energy" ? There are two forces in this country, "imperialism vs anti-war", "conservative party vs liberal party", autocratic vs pluralistic, nuclear vs "anti-nuclear". Which sector people Japanese government puts to which narrower place and broader place ? Imperialism helps Japan rises among Asian countries, ironically, imperialism also made Japan defeated in "World War II"; the two "atomic bombs" brings tragedy to Japan sacrifice thousands of lives but brings peace to the world; the nuclear technology oriented from Britain and United States now transfer to Japan's own developing and operating, meantime Japanese cannot remember right these two Big push Japan surrender at WW II and "disallow armament", on the other hand, the western help Japan "recovers from slump" of after-war economy.
"Hatred and humiliation" against peace and love, we can imagine how paradox of Japan government is. It seemed Japanese government responses to international relationship (at narrower place) more than the "controversy from the ordinary" people (at broader place). Actually Japanese government occupied by sector of powerful "socio-economic influential politicians", "industrialists", "entrepreneurs" already for centuries, i.e. The Nationalist Party members who are "fundamental and patriotic" origin, dominates the government rule for era, instead the Democratic Party representing middle to lower class people, just rule at intercept opportunity. Undoubtedly, nature ambitious of Japanese government, determines "policy of nuclear power", tending to Weapon than Energy, though weapon ambition not always mention at mouth, excuse like to "secure regional safe" by "balance power at Pacific", seemed acceptable by western, particularly aims to threat from Mainland China, Russia and North Korea (to be continued to Part III)
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article written by kt Mak, critics blogger, 11/23/2011,USA
In 1954, Japan budgeted 230 million yen for nuclear energy, marking the beginning of her nuclear policy. The "Atomic Energy Basic Law" limited activities to only "peaceful purposes". The first "nuclear reactor" in Japan was built by the "UK's GEC". In the 1970s the first "Light Water Reactors" were built in cooperation with American companies, such as General Electric or "Westinghouse" with contractual work done by Japanese big companies and institutes. Also big users they are, later get a license themselves to build similar plant designs. Robert Jay Lifton has asked "how Japan, after its experience with the "atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki", could allow itself to draw so heavily on the same nuclear technology for the manufacture of about a third of its energy".
He says: "There was resistance, but there was also a pattern of denial, cover-up and "cozy bureaucratic collusion" between industry and government, the last especially "notorious" in Japan. The pro-nuclear power forces could prevail by managing to instill in the minds of Japanese people a view between nuclear power and nuclear weapons, an illusory distinction made not only in Japan but throughout the world. Nuclear accidents cover-ups that eroded public perception of the industry, resulting in protests and "resistance to new plants". They were Tokaimura nuclear accident, the Mihama steam explosion, accidents at the Monju reactor, recent ChÅ«etsu offshore earthquake aftermath. Finally protests resulted in canceled plant orders : The Maki NPP at Maki, Niigata (Kambara) in 2003; The Kushima NPP at Kushima, Miyazaki in 1997; The Ashihama NPP at Ashihama, Mie in 2000; The HÅhoku NPP at HÅhoku, Yamaguchi in 1994; Suzu NPP at Suzu, Ishikawa 2003. Such relationship inspires us paradoxical government at diplomacy, confront to her controversy people.
"Nested Theory" of Conflict of Maire Dugan, shape like oval, that is a mechanism, i.e, inner to outer circles -issue, relationship, subsystem, system respectively, for considering both the narrower and the broader aspects of "conflict resolution and peace building", not only a particular issue to be resolved but also a relationship needed to be addressed. A question asks : Is it nuclear, kind of "Weapon or Energy" ? There are two forces in this country, "imperialism vs anti-war", "conservative party vs liberal party", autocratic vs pluralistic, nuclear vs "anti-nuclear". Which sector people Japanese government puts to which narrower place and broader place ? Imperialism helps Japan rises among Asian countries, ironically, imperialism also made Japan defeated in "World War II"; the two "atomic bombs" brings tragedy to Japan sacrifice thousands of lives but brings peace to the world; the nuclear technology oriented from Britain and United States now transfer to Japan's own developing and operating, meantime Japanese cannot remember right these two Big push Japan surrender at WW II and "disallow armament", on the other hand, the western help Japan "recovers from slump" of after-war economy.
"Hatred and humiliation" against peace and love, we can imagine how paradox of Japan government is. It seemed Japanese government responses to international relationship (at narrower place) more than the "controversy from the ordinary" people (at broader place). Actually Japanese government occupied by sector of powerful "socio-economic influential politicians", "industrialists", "entrepreneurs" already for centuries, i.e. The Nationalist Party members who are "fundamental and patriotic" origin, dominates the government rule for era, instead the Democratic Party representing middle to lower class people, just rule at intercept opportunity. Undoubtedly, nature ambitious of Japanese government, determines "policy of nuclear power", tending to Weapon than Energy, though weapon ambition not always mention at mouth, excuse like to "secure regional safe" by "balance power at Pacific", seemed acceptable by western, particularly aims to threat from Mainland China, Russia and North Korea (to be continued to Part III)
Share Youtube, Click Here "Michael Jackson, Heal the World", Heal the world
article written by kt Mak, critics blogger, 11/23/2011,USA