What Is A Pond Pump And How To Choose The Right One For Your Koi?
One of the crucial elements to maintaining a Koi fish pond lies in finding the right fish pond pump.
However, to begin this search would be to ask the question, "What are fish pond pumps in the first place"? Effective fish pond pumps are devices that regularly circulate pond water.
For Koi ponds it is recommended that this be done at least once per hour for proper water quality.
Water that is pumped is aerated, filtered and sometimes even treated to ensure the health and growth of fish, particularly that of Koi.
Needless to say, there are many types of fish pond pumps out there to confuse the search.
Some pumps are submersible, others external.
Submersible pond pumps are most commonly suited for smaller ponds and water gardens.
They are generally easy to install and use, and are placed under pond water.
Their highest flow rate is up to 3600 GPH (gallons per hour).
Of these submersible fish pond pumps are the Direct Drive, the Magnetic Drive and the Statuary Pump: Direct Drive Pump: The Direct Drive kinds are best used to pump ponds with large waterfalls and streams.
Direct Drives employ a powerful electric motor that turns an impeller which pushes the pond water in one direction.
Magnetic Drive Pumps: Magnetic Drivepumps on the other hand are more efficient submersibles than Direct Drives but are not as powerful.
They are called such because they use a magnetized impeller surrounded by an electric apparatus rather than an electric motor.
This fish pond pump thereby uses less electricity and is best suited to create moderately flowing waterfalls or streams in ponds.
Statuary Pump: The least powerful of the submersible fish pond pumps is the Statuary Pump, which is used to power fountains, spitters, and other stand-alone pond ornaments.
Hence, it is an optional choice in one's Koi fish pond and not a necessary one.
In terms of longevity, however, External fish pond pumps trump any of its submersible counterparts.
In general, all submersible pumps need regular maintenance and cleaning due to debris in the water that may eventually clog the motor.
External pumps are easier to maintain and thus last longer than submersibles.
Finally, external pumps are designed to move larger volumes of water and have flow rates ranging from 2200 GPH up to 9600 GPH.
This make it an ideal choice for serious Koi keepers who find that the larger the pond, the larger the number of Koi that can be nurtured.
Larger Koi populations are in turn, said to produce the healthiest and best Koi variety.
Now you can ask, "What is the best fish pond pump?" Determining the correct pond pump for your personal needs must take into consideration pond size and water volume.
Keep in mind that for Koi ponds water must circulate once an hour.
So if you have about 4000 gallons in your pond, you would naturally need a 4000 GPH pump or better.
It is also crucial to calculate your pond's head pressure.
This includes friction, vertical distance you want to lift water and resistance from fixtures in your pond that slows the flow rate of your water.
Finally, you will know it is worth your while when you figure in the utility cost of running and caring for the pump you choose.
If you can't afford the proper pump, it is perhaps best to abandon your quest for caring for ornamental fish.
However, to begin this search would be to ask the question, "What are fish pond pumps in the first place"? Effective fish pond pumps are devices that regularly circulate pond water.
For Koi ponds it is recommended that this be done at least once per hour for proper water quality.
Water that is pumped is aerated, filtered and sometimes even treated to ensure the health and growth of fish, particularly that of Koi.
Needless to say, there are many types of fish pond pumps out there to confuse the search.
Some pumps are submersible, others external.
Submersible pond pumps are most commonly suited for smaller ponds and water gardens.
They are generally easy to install and use, and are placed under pond water.
Their highest flow rate is up to 3600 GPH (gallons per hour).
Of these submersible fish pond pumps are the Direct Drive, the Magnetic Drive and the Statuary Pump: Direct Drive Pump: The Direct Drive kinds are best used to pump ponds with large waterfalls and streams.
Direct Drives employ a powerful electric motor that turns an impeller which pushes the pond water in one direction.
Magnetic Drive Pumps: Magnetic Drivepumps on the other hand are more efficient submersibles than Direct Drives but are not as powerful.
They are called such because they use a magnetized impeller surrounded by an electric apparatus rather than an electric motor.
This fish pond pump thereby uses less electricity and is best suited to create moderately flowing waterfalls or streams in ponds.
Statuary Pump: The least powerful of the submersible fish pond pumps is the Statuary Pump, which is used to power fountains, spitters, and other stand-alone pond ornaments.
Hence, it is an optional choice in one's Koi fish pond and not a necessary one.
In terms of longevity, however, External fish pond pumps trump any of its submersible counterparts.
In general, all submersible pumps need regular maintenance and cleaning due to debris in the water that may eventually clog the motor.
External pumps are easier to maintain and thus last longer than submersibles.
Finally, external pumps are designed to move larger volumes of water and have flow rates ranging from 2200 GPH up to 9600 GPH.
This make it an ideal choice for serious Koi keepers who find that the larger the pond, the larger the number of Koi that can be nurtured.
Larger Koi populations are in turn, said to produce the healthiest and best Koi variety.
Now you can ask, "What is the best fish pond pump?" Determining the correct pond pump for your personal needs must take into consideration pond size and water volume.
Keep in mind that for Koi ponds water must circulate once an hour.
So if you have about 4000 gallons in your pond, you would naturally need a 4000 GPH pump or better.
It is also crucial to calculate your pond's head pressure.
This includes friction, vertical distance you want to lift water and resistance from fixtures in your pond that slows the flow rate of your water.
Finally, you will know it is worth your while when you figure in the utility cost of running and caring for the pump you choose.
If you can't afford the proper pump, it is perhaps best to abandon your quest for caring for ornamental fish.