Cancer Patients and Chemotherapy
As people prepare to undergo treatment for cancer, they may ask themselves, €Does chemotherapy work?€ In short, chemotherapy can be quite effective for certain types of malignancies. The overall outlook will depend on the location, type, and stage of the tumor. Oncologists and other related specialists will be able to explain exactly how the procedure works. Patients may also wish to learn as much as they can about the side effects so that they are not caught off guard as they move through the process. Physicians will also bring to bear some special strategies for minimizing these effects.
Chemotherapy is effective because it works to kill cells that divide rather quickly. Malignant tumors, in fact, are characterized by cells that rapidly reproduce and spread to other parts of the body. Benign tumors may be left alone if they are not a serious threat, but malignant ones will have to be aggressively dealt with. Many hospitals and clinics will want the patient to come in and begin treatment as soon as possible. The earlier that the procedure is begun, the more likely a person will have of beating the disease and getting rid of the cancer itself.
Because the process is often undergone in combination with radiation therapy or other forms of treatment, men and women who are receiving treatment will have to adhere to the schedule that their doctor sets out for them. Regularly scheduled appointments must be kept. Larger tumors may be able to be physically removed, but chemotherapy will likely still be an important part of the process. Individuals who will be having surgery should listen to their physicians and carefully follow all of the preoperative guidelines. They may also need someone to drive them home from the hospital when they have recovered enough to be discharged.
As most physicians will likely point out, effective chemotherapy can be helped along by a nutritious diet. People who plan their meals around fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will be giving needed nutrition to their bodies. While undergoing the treatment, some men and women may also be able to consult with a nutritionist. These professionals can point out specific foods that will give the body energy and allow it to function quite well throughout.
Relatives of cancer patients may ask, € Does chemotherapy work?€ By consulting with the oncologists and radiation therapists at the local hospital, they should be able to glean a broad overview of the technique. If they are having the procedure themselves, they can prepare themselves for the side effects that will come along with it.
The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).
Chemotherapy is effective because it works to kill cells that divide rather quickly. Malignant tumors, in fact, are characterized by cells that rapidly reproduce and spread to other parts of the body. Benign tumors may be left alone if they are not a serious threat, but malignant ones will have to be aggressively dealt with. Many hospitals and clinics will want the patient to come in and begin treatment as soon as possible. The earlier that the procedure is begun, the more likely a person will have of beating the disease and getting rid of the cancer itself.
Because the process is often undergone in combination with radiation therapy or other forms of treatment, men and women who are receiving treatment will have to adhere to the schedule that their doctor sets out for them. Regularly scheduled appointments must be kept. Larger tumors may be able to be physically removed, but chemotherapy will likely still be an important part of the process. Individuals who will be having surgery should listen to their physicians and carefully follow all of the preoperative guidelines. They may also need someone to drive them home from the hospital when they have recovered enough to be discharged.
As most physicians will likely point out, effective chemotherapy can be helped along by a nutritious diet. People who plan their meals around fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will be giving needed nutrition to their bodies. While undergoing the treatment, some men and women may also be able to consult with a nutritionist. These professionals can point out specific foods that will give the body energy and allow it to function quite well throughout.
Relatives of cancer patients may ask, € Does chemotherapy work?€ By consulting with the oncologists and radiation therapists at the local hospital, they should be able to glean a broad overview of the technique. If they are having the procedure themselves, they can prepare themselves for the side effects that will come along with it.
The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).