Male Health Tips
- It is easy to let the body become soft and stiff. Regular exercise for men of every age should be a part of their routine. This includes weight resistance to build strong bones and muscles, aerobic exercise to strengthen heart and lungs, and stretching to avoid injuries resulting from moving, lifting and rushing. Physical exercise also helps lower cholesterol levels and positively affects moods.
- After age 40, you should have a doctor check your prostate gland for growth. Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death in men older than 40 years. Further, men of all ages should check their own testicles for any abnormal lumps and report any concerns to their doctor. Rates of testicular cancer are increasing across all age groups, especially in men ages 15 to 30. Though rare, penile cancer is also increasing, so any soreness or redness or lumps on the penis should be reported to your doctor.
If not monogamous, you should get regular tests for sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and HIV. Even with testing, carefully choosing a sexual partner and practicing safe sexual activities will lower these risks for you and your partner. - Foods high in zinc will help in sperm production and testicular health. Avoiding trans-fats help lower cholesterol levels, while eating fresh fruits and vegetables increases levels of antioxidants. Fresh foods with vitamin C, such as broccoli, have positive anti-cancer properties as well. Grains such as oats and barley, as well as whole-grain pasta, build stronger heart muscles, help lower cholesterol and help reduce weight. Always drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Many men overlook mental health as part of their health concerns, but mental health affects our bodies, relationships and careers. With biological, psychological and social factors as contributors, you should choose and build a balanced lifestyle that minimizes stress, recognizes depression and is full of healthy relationships where you give and receive. Depression can often be successfully treated, and yet is often ignored by men.
Sexual Health
Mental Health