What Is a Cheat for "Pokemon HeartGold" to Level 100?
- Insert "Emerald" into the Game Boy Advance or Nintendo DS system. Turn on the power and access the saved game file. Earn all of the gym badges and defeat the Elite Four, if you have not done so already. Walk along Routes 108, 110, 111, 119, 120, 123, 132, Safari Zone, Shoal Cave and Mt. Pyre in search of rare candy. Save your game.
- Attach a rare candy to one of your Pokemon in "Emerald." You can choose to do this to multiple Pokemon. Travel to the Battle Tower in Battle Frontier and access the PC. Clear Box 9 of the PC and place the Pokemon holding the rare candy into that box. Save your game, then withdraw the Pokemon holding the rare candy from the PC. Head to the right and speak to the receptionist behind the counter, then the battle options and select "Open-Level Battle." Pick two Pokemon other than the Pokemon holding the rare candy to participate in battle.
- Wait until the "Save" dialog appears. While "Emerald" is saving, turn off the power and restart the system. The Pokemon holding the rare candy should appear in your Pokemon party and in Box 9 of the PC. Repeat this process multiple times to create several Pokemon duplicates holding rare candies. Save your game after making your copies.
- Place "HeartGold" into the Nintendo DS slot of the Nintendo DS system. Place "Emerald" into the Game Boy Advance slot on the Nintendo DS. Turn on the system. From the main menu, pick "Migrate From..." and choose up to six Pokemon at a time to transfer from your "Emerald" game. Select all the Pokemon holding rare candies. You can immediately transfer six more Pokemon after the first batch, proceeding until you have transferred every duplicated Pokemon holding a rare candy.
- Travel to the Pal Park in "HeartGold," where you will be given 30 Safari Balls. Move around the area, capturing the transferred Pokemon in the time limit allotted. After capturing ends, remove the rare candies from each of the captured Pokemon. You can then use the "Release" option to set the duplicated Pokemon free. Meanwhile, the duplicated rare candies are now stored in your Items. Select a rare candy from your Items, then the desired Pokemon. Repeat this process until your Pokemon reaches Level 100.
Gaining Rare Candy in "Emerald"
Accessing the Battle Frontier in "Emerald"
Duplicating Rare Candy in "Emerald"
Transferring Rare Candy to "HeartGold"
Capturing Pokemon and Rare Candy in "HeartGold"