Boost Mobile Pay As You Go Phones
- Boost Mobile is a cell phone company that lets you pay for minutes as you need them, which can be helpful for people who don't anticipate using the phone often. Because they have no credit checks in order to get a phone, Boost Mobile phones can also be great for customers with bad credit to avoid paying a deposit.
Boost Mobile has ten different phones to choose from, and they have up-to-date features like Bluetooth, music, camera, video and web options. They also have options to customize ringtones with popular songs, downloadable games, news, weather and entertainment information.
As of October 2009, when you first purchase a phone with Boost Mobile, you get $5 in phone credit. The pay-as-you-go plans are set up with the following plans: all phone calls are $0.10 a minute. However, if you and a friend both have a Boost Mobile Walkie Talkie phone, it is only $1 for a day of talking to each other, or anyone else with the walkie talkie phone. Text messaging is $0.10 a message to send and receive; this price also includes texts you send and receive internationally. Other features also include call waiting, caller ID and voicemail.
Boost Mobile conducts no credit checks and has no subscription fees, no activation fees and no contracts. They also have coverage in the United States, Mexico and parts of Canada.
The process of BoostMobile pay as you go is also quite simple; you just buy minutes when you run out or want to use the phone. "Reboost" cards range from $10 to $99, and you just buy the card you need and add it to your account by calling a number on your phone and entering the number printed on the card.
Boost Mobile