Lower Your Medical Insurance Through High Deductible Health Plans
According to Governor Rendell's the cost of having health insurance in Pennsylvania has, on average, risen by 75.
6 percent from the year 2000 to 2006.
With many people losing their jobs and not being able to afford the high cost of COBRA (Pennsylvania does not currently have a "mini COBRA" plan or a high risk pool as a medical insurance option) many have chosen not to carry health insurance.
It is in situations like these that choosing a high deductible health plan could help in making your coverage much more affordable.
Typical savings are usually in the range of 30 to 40 percent.
If you are concerned about expensive major medical costs (the kind that can bankrupt you) and cannot afford your current health care then a high deductible plan might be what you need.
These plans require deductibles which are somewhat higher than those which people are accustomed.
This increased sharing of costs allows for a much lower (and affordable) monthly premium.
Are these plans meant for everyone? That depends on your situation.
Below is a good guide to see if high deductible insurance coverage is for you.
These health plans tend to be a good fit for people who: - Can afford a higher out of pocket expense (OOP).
High deductible medical insurance plans usually have deductibles in the $1200-$3000 range - Are in generally good health and do not usually visit their family doctor more than a few times a year - Are not prescribed expensive prescription medication which needs to be covered immediately - Do not plan on having children and maternity costs are not a concern - Do not have any pre-existing conditions that need to be covered If you live in Pennsylvania and are comfortable with a higher deductible you can rest assured the cost of your healthcare will come down considerably making your monthly premium much more affordable.
6 percent from the year 2000 to 2006.
With many people losing their jobs and not being able to afford the high cost of COBRA (Pennsylvania does not currently have a "mini COBRA" plan or a high risk pool as a medical insurance option) many have chosen not to carry health insurance.
It is in situations like these that choosing a high deductible health plan could help in making your coverage much more affordable.
Typical savings are usually in the range of 30 to 40 percent.
If you are concerned about expensive major medical costs (the kind that can bankrupt you) and cannot afford your current health care then a high deductible plan might be what you need.
These plans require deductibles which are somewhat higher than those which people are accustomed.
This increased sharing of costs allows for a much lower (and affordable) monthly premium.
Are these plans meant for everyone? That depends on your situation.
Below is a good guide to see if high deductible insurance coverage is for you.
These health plans tend to be a good fit for people who: - Can afford a higher out of pocket expense (OOP).
High deductible medical insurance plans usually have deductibles in the $1200-$3000 range - Are in generally good health and do not usually visit their family doctor more than a few times a year - Are not prescribed expensive prescription medication which needs to be covered immediately - Do not plan on having children and maternity costs are not a concern - Do not have any pre-existing conditions that need to be covered If you live in Pennsylvania and are comfortable with a higher deductible you can rest assured the cost of your healthcare will come down considerably making your monthly premium much more affordable.