How to Convert YouTube to GIFs
- 1). Use an online GIF converter service like “,” “” and "” to convert YouTube videos to an animated GIF image. Various online GIF converter services will convert movies and music videos on YouTube that you can use as an avatar image in forums and message boards.
- 2). Go to and select any movie or music video that you want to convert to an animated GIF. After you have selected a YouTube flash video, move you mouse over the video's URL address that's displayed on your Web browser. Left-click on your mouse to highlight the URL address. Press the “Ctrl” and “C” keys simultaneously on your keyboard to copy the video URL address.
- 3). Return to the online GIF converter website that you're using and paste the YouTube video URL address in the text box that's displayed on the Web page. For example, if you're using, click on the hyperlink that says “convert YouTube video” on the homepage. Click inside the text box located next to “YouTube link.”
- 4). Press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys simultaneously on your keyboard to paste the YouTube video URL address inside the text box. Under the “Size” option, click on the drop-down menu button and select the width that you want for the animated GIF image. Under the “Number of frames” option click on the drop-down menu button and select the number of frames that you want to see for the animated GIF image. Click on the “Continue” button when you're done.
- 5). Select the preview option which will allow you to select specific parts of the video that you want to include on the animated GIF. Wait until the website finishes converting the YouTube video images to an animated GIF image. Select the file path where you want to save the animated image on your computer. Click on the “Save” or “Download” button. Some online GIF converters will allow you to download an animated GIF in three different formats such as Small (100 pixels wide), Medium (200 pixels wide) and Large (320 pixels wide).