Samsung BlackJack II Tips and Tricks
- Tips and Tricks for the BlackJack IIpda image by Eric E from
The BlackJack II is one of Samsung's premier smartphones. It runs on Windows Mobile 6, making it a versatile and functional business device. Customize aspects of your BlackJack II to enhance your interaction and make this phone more efficient. Your user guide will explain the features and functionality of your BlackJack II, but there are a few tricks not described in the manual that make using your device more convenient. - To bring up the Task Manager, simply hold down the "Home" button for three seconds. This is much easier than navigating through the list of menus and installed programs, then selecting the proper category and finding the right icon. Since many programs don't actually close when you exit them, the Task Manager allows you to complete stop those processes to conserve battery life and free up valuable system resources.
- From any screen or within any application, you can zoom in for a better view by simply holding down the "Camera" button for three seconds. The view will automatically adjust to a magnified section of the screen, allowing you a close-up look at pictures and images or tiny text on web pages. You can navigate vertically and horizontally while in the zoom mode with the directional pad, or exit to normal viewing mode by pressing the "Back" button.
- By pressing and holding down the "Cingular Video" button for three seconds, the Power Manager will appear. This can be extremely useful if your BlackJack II is running low on battery power or if you want to adjust settings to conserve power and optimize your battery performance.
- Turning off your BlackJack II screen without locking the device can be done by holding down the "Email" button for three seconds. The backlight will immediately shut off, leaving you with a black screen. This is most convenient if your device requires an unlock password, because the phone is not locked during this process.
- The BlackJack II has secondary functions related to most of the keys on the keyboard, which are activated by pressing the "Fn" button and then the corresponding key. This process can be cumbersome when you compose text messages or emails that contain several letters and numbers. By pressing and holding the desired key for two seconds, your Blackjack II will automatically input the alternate entry for that key.
Task Manager
Power Manager
Turn Off Screen
Secondary Key Input