If God Exists
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.
" (Romans 1:21) I wonder How many of us are truly able to say, from the bottom of our heart that God does not exist, I do not believe there are many, because even the most skeptic of men see the astounding beauty of a sunrise in the mountains or at the edge of the ocean, and cannot help wondering Whose hand has created such magnificent view.
Even the most skeptic of men see the expansion of the cosmos and cannot help but seeing a mighty hand behind such a kaleidoscope of beauty and unlimited power.
Even the most heartless of persons upon having a glimpse at the microcosms, realizes that such an incredibly delicate and intricate arrangement could not have come by accident.
And if we know God exists, we have an understanding that we owe Him some kind of retribution for what He has done; that is the reason why we see every religion on earth bowing down to God in whatever form or shape they have conceived Him.
But then, if God exists would he not have something to do with the arrangement of all things? I would think everyone would agree that if God exist, that would be a fair assertion.
And if we agree that God exists and that He has something to do with the arrangement of all things, why do we have such an upheaval these days, such a disarrangement of things, such chaos? I enjoy looking at the movies and news and documentaries from the fifties and sixties, because things look always so neat, and the problems they usually speak of seem so trivial and innocent today.
And that happened just half a century ago.
I was looking at the news last night on an American channel, and heard them debating over the case of the National day of prayer being called unconstitutional, and the decision of the government to stop preacher Franklin Graham from speaking to the US soldiers because it would be 'offensive to the Muslims'.
Doesn't that smell like rotten eggs to you? Because it does to me! The point I am trying to make is that if God exists He would be terribly disappointed at the insults and disrespect and constant rejection his creation expose him to today; at the lack of love and the absence of morality and the constant warring of human beings with each other and with Him.
We see the constant accusations of dishonorable politicians, often dressed as religious leaders, towards God; because things are not going their way.
We see the frequent whining of hateful souls, who have chosen to reject the things of God, every time there is a tragedy or a catastrophe or natural disaster.
They often yell, where is God? Why does He allow these things to happen? If He is so good why are there so many bad people in the world? And I ask of you today; what else can we expect? If God exists we all know He would be a God of perfection, a God of righteousness, a God of Justice, and if such God exists, How could he be enjoying the sight of his planet being turned into a garbage dump, how could He be content at the sight of His landmarks disappearing by the constant scavenging of men whose only motivations are greed and lust for power.
That God that we are talking about, would be horrified at the show of hatred amongst men, of their constant wars, and their used of God's given skills for the development new of ways to kill each other.
If God exists, He would cry tears of desperation at the ravages of hunger and disease amongst the majority of His creation while a few of them hoard all the riches that He has provided for them all.
If God exists, then the pain he would be going through would be inconceivable at the sight of millions of children being murdered every year at the abortion clinics, He would be devastated at the spectacle of men and women and children being lost to perversion, degradation, to total depravity.
We often question the motives of God for allowing such things.
Yet we simply don't get it.
Would you be constantly chasing after your child if He was always rejecting you? I am sure you would eventually give up trying to set Him straight, and would let him run wild.
You would not stop loving Him, but you would simply give up, and hope that one day he would come back to you.
Somebody sent me one of those funny emails that often runs on the web, except this one was quite serious, a professor at the University of Berlin challenged one of the students about the fact that God was evil, He stated, 'if God exists then He created everything that exists, and if He created everything that exists then He created evil, and since we can establish that our deeds are a reflection of ourselves then we can conclude that God is evil'.
The student stood there silent while the professor rejoiced at having proved that faith is a myth.
Then another student raised his hand and asked a question; 'does cold exists?', the professor said 'of course, we can see it in the winter', the student responded, 'actually cold does not exist, according the physics laws cold is just a word we invented to express the absence of heat', the student continued, 'professor, does darkness exist?', the professor again said yes, and the student retorted, 'actually darkness doe not exist, it is just a word we use to express the absence of light, this is a scientifically proven fact', He then continued, 'Evil does not exist either, evil is just a reflection of the absence of God, the less we have God in our lives the closer we get to evil'.
Needless to say, the professor did not take that correction well.
According to the sender, this event happened in nineteen twenty, and the student was Albert Einstein.
(I could not confirm the source or the fact) I can state confidently that everyone in this planet without exception either have or has had sometime in his life the conviction that God exists, only a few fools remain out there who blatantly reject this fact.
But we cannot be surprised at the way things are going throughout the planet, and in our own lives, considering how we keep pushing God away from us.
"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
" (Romans 1:18-21) If you are one of those who still do not believe in a Creator, please reflect on these facts.
May the maker of all things make room in your hearts for Him, that you would rejoice in His presence.
Jose A.
Luna A Servant of Christ Jesus
" (Romans 1:21) I wonder How many of us are truly able to say, from the bottom of our heart that God does not exist, I do not believe there are many, because even the most skeptic of men see the astounding beauty of a sunrise in the mountains or at the edge of the ocean, and cannot help wondering Whose hand has created such magnificent view.
Even the most skeptic of men see the expansion of the cosmos and cannot help but seeing a mighty hand behind such a kaleidoscope of beauty and unlimited power.
Even the most heartless of persons upon having a glimpse at the microcosms, realizes that such an incredibly delicate and intricate arrangement could not have come by accident.
And if we know God exists, we have an understanding that we owe Him some kind of retribution for what He has done; that is the reason why we see every religion on earth bowing down to God in whatever form or shape they have conceived Him.
But then, if God exists would he not have something to do with the arrangement of all things? I would think everyone would agree that if God exist, that would be a fair assertion.
And if we agree that God exists and that He has something to do with the arrangement of all things, why do we have such an upheaval these days, such a disarrangement of things, such chaos? I enjoy looking at the movies and news and documentaries from the fifties and sixties, because things look always so neat, and the problems they usually speak of seem so trivial and innocent today.
And that happened just half a century ago.
I was looking at the news last night on an American channel, and heard them debating over the case of the National day of prayer being called unconstitutional, and the decision of the government to stop preacher Franklin Graham from speaking to the US soldiers because it would be 'offensive to the Muslims'.
Doesn't that smell like rotten eggs to you? Because it does to me! The point I am trying to make is that if God exists He would be terribly disappointed at the insults and disrespect and constant rejection his creation expose him to today; at the lack of love and the absence of morality and the constant warring of human beings with each other and with Him.
We see the constant accusations of dishonorable politicians, often dressed as religious leaders, towards God; because things are not going their way.
We see the frequent whining of hateful souls, who have chosen to reject the things of God, every time there is a tragedy or a catastrophe or natural disaster.
They often yell, where is God? Why does He allow these things to happen? If He is so good why are there so many bad people in the world? And I ask of you today; what else can we expect? If God exists we all know He would be a God of perfection, a God of righteousness, a God of Justice, and if such God exists, How could he be enjoying the sight of his planet being turned into a garbage dump, how could He be content at the sight of His landmarks disappearing by the constant scavenging of men whose only motivations are greed and lust for power.
That God that we are talking about, would be horrified at the show of hatred amongst men, of their constant wars, and their used of God's given skills for the development new of ways to kill each other.
If God exists, He would cry tears of desperation at the ravages of hunger and disease amongst the majority of His creation while a few of them hoard all the riches that He has provided for them all.
If God exists, then the pain he would be going through would be inconceivable at the sight of millions of children being murdered every year at the abortion clinics, He would be devastated at the spectacle of men and women and children being lost to perversion, degradation, to total depravity.
We often question the motives of God for allowing such things.
Yet we simply don't get it.
Would you be constantly chasing after your child if He was always rejecting you? I am sure you would eventually give up trying to set Him straight, and would let him run wild.
You would not stop loving Him, but you would simply give up, and hope that one day he would come back to you.
Somebody sent me one of those funny emails that often runs on the web, except this one was quite serious, a professor at the University of Berlin challenged one of the students about the fact that God was evil, He stated, 'if God exists then He created everything that exists, and if He created everything that exists then He created evil, and since we can establish that our deeds are a reflection of ourselves then we can conclude that God is evil'.
The student stood there silent while the professor rejoiced at having proved that faith is a myth.
Then another student raised his hand and asked a question; 'does cold exists?', the professor said 'of course, we can see it in the winter', the student responded, 'actually cold does not exist, according the physics laws cold is just a word we invented to express the absence of heat', the student continued, 'professor, does darkness exist?', the professor again said yes, and the student retorted, 'actually darkness doe not exist, it is just a word we use to express the absence of light, this is a scientifically proven fact', He then continued, 'Evil does not exist either, evil is just a reflection of the absence of God, the less we have God in our lives the closer we get to evil'.
Needless to say, the professor did not take that correction well.
According to the sender, this event happened in nineteen twenty, and the student was Albert Einstein.
(I could not confirm the source or the fact) I can state confidently that everyone in this planet without exception either have or has had sometime in his life the conviction that God exists, only a few fools remain out there who blatantly reject this fact.
But we cannot be surprised at the way things are going throughout the planet, and in our own lives, considering how we keep pushing God away from us.
"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
" (Romans 1:18-21) If you are one of those who still do not believe in a Creator, please reflect on these facts.
May the maker of all things make room in your hearts for Him, that you would rejoice in His presence.
Jose A.
Luna A Servant of Christ Jesus